The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

A state of 1.3 million people has a house with 400 representatives? Is this some kind of job creation scheme?


I assume this does not include tips.



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Supply shortages and rising prices are also drilling democrats. Mitch is exactly right that nobody will blame republicans for anything.

Hilariously the seeds of the current supply chain problems were planted in 2017. COVID is part of what happened, but the trade war + the elog mandate in trucking definitely played a huge part in how we got here.

Let’s see how this goes, Joe.
(Just a PS: you’re the US president w a trifecta…ya wanna do something, or just put out more increasingly worthless words when you’re the person with more power than anyone on this entire planet?!

Bipartisanship ftw!
Turns out bipartisanship means you’re on the same side as the rich corporate lobbyists and all the Republicans.
Unless you actually do something beyond kayfabe words Joe, then go get fucked Joe!

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Some Sinema positions speculated on here. Sounds like she doesn’t want much drug pricing reform.

Dems also running into an issue that both Sinema and Manchin want different things so if you satisfy them both there is basically no bill.

Note also they tried to buy Manchin off through paying the coal workers and he won’t go for it calling it “welfare”

Two other notes: Biden is coming down on the side of fewer programs vs more programs for shorter time and sounds like maybe some debt repayment (lol) will suck up part of the revenue generation to satisfy Sinema and manchin


Cinema really going to get the biggest payday in senate history from the drug companies. Might not even run for re-election. Just resign and get a job making millions a year doing some bullshit job for saving them 600+ billion lol

The fact that shit like that is legal is fucking insane.

Really is going to be discouraging.


The Biden Admin governs by how to get shit on the least by Fox News. I’m sure there was a recent segment about how the boston bomber is being treated better than true american patriots from jan 6.

It’s infuriating. The right shits on them no matter what. I figured the Trump admin would have made democrats realize its all bullshit, and voters don’t give a fuck about it at all, but nope they still bend to right wing propaganda.


Wait until you see how shocked Biden is when, after these bills die and the Republicans take the House, there are suddenly zero (0) Republican votes for any infrastructure bill.


It really seems like they do this. Haha I didn’t even read second paragraph and almost typed that it’s infuriating also.

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Since NYC elevator content is the only thing keeping this thread alive, I just wanted to let everybody know that there aren’t any buttons inside the elevators at my office building. Instead, you use a touch screen at the elevator bank to select a floor, and it tells you what elevator to get on.


Hey Joe, cancel it bro. Shout out Ken Starr.

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The D in Vegas is like that.

definitely needs a two red buttons meme

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