The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Social Media Brain™

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@discobot fortune

Do I have Social Media Brain™?

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:crystal_ball: Reply hazy, try again


@discobot fortune

Do I have Social Media Brain™?

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it


Iron81 is the poster and voter we deserve. Live iron81. Breathe iron81. Embrace iron81.

Wait, you’re actually being serious?

You’re equating “social media brain” with being accused of having mental illness?

That’s an insult to people who actually have mental illness.

You guys have been treating him like shit for years now and your justification is an expression that he broke out a couple of months ago? That is some disingenuous, petty bullshit.

And I agree with him. Some of you are absolutely consumed with the cheap, ephemeral politics of twitter. You take the worst examples of people and assign that to groups at large.

It’s very similar to judgemental, religious types but instead of saying what you believe in, you just let the algorithms collect all the most egregious behaviors and and that’s what you don’t believe in.

This means you can never really be wrong. No mistakes admitted. You have on your “Sunday best” in perpetuity.

Claiming he actually accused people of being mentally ill is some low shit.

But, hey, at least you got some “dunks” in right?


It’s more the modern equivalent of “all of my friends believe X, therefore anyone who disagrees is crazy/trolling”. Or appealing to common sense.

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China has been playing a long game politically while LOLUSA thought it was economic.

so is Nancy going to taiwan good or bad

Depends on how many insider trading hot tips she can find when she’s there.


FWIW I thought one of the few good things TRUMP did in those early days (I don’t remember if this was right after the election or just after being sworn in) was taking the phone call from Taiwan’s president.

of course he had no idea what he was doing, no context, he just likes taking phone calls from IMPORTANT PEOPLE who want to congratulate him, but still.

This seems to be the take? That said it seems like a stupid stunt but what do I know.

Letting China dictate who the Speaker gets to visit seems very beta.

The most dominant military force in human history who hasn’t won a war in nearly 80 years.


Kosovo, Iraq 1 don’t count?

Don’t forget Grenada and Kent State


this is a pretty level 1 take