The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Feb 1st seems like the obvious choice.

I just like democracy basketball!

Gooo democracy basketball!

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Is she always dressed like an extra in The Fifth Element or what’s going on here?


Michelle Obama showed her shoulders once.

visit scenic Rhode Island


don’t nobody tell him about SEXTUPLE


You ignore-the-bot guys suck. This is what we deserve. This is what our country voted for. Live the bot. Breath the bot. Embrace the bot.


We should all be grateful goofyballer didn’t code the bot to post retweets, a full force Trumpbot would bring this forum to its knees.


I was actually thinking to make a retweet bot but I a) it looks like Joe might actually win and b) I think we’ve all been tortured sufficiently enough as is…


i approve of a thread with both trmp retweets and biden retweets. i’d like to watch the 4d chess meta-battle

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That’s a little preview, those aren’t even all his retweets from that hour. I didn’t even notice him eating the onion up top with the Babylon Bee retweet, lol.


me at the crib



Working hard!

( twitter | raw text )

He wants you to join him in ______ for a chance to catch covid and die


Is 8NEWS the official news channel of 8chan? :thinking:

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Give non Americans the choice, make Americans read it?

Wasn’t the entire purpose of creating Trump bot so we could laugh and ridicule him when he loses the election?


In case you haven’t had lunch yet, a tasty new item on the menu

At their first debate, the best attack Collins managed to make on her opponent came when she asked Gideon if she’d have voted to confirm John Roberts as a Supreme Court justice in 2005. It certainly caught Gideon off guard, but perhaps for good reason—it’s not clear that any voters would have expected Gideon to remember, on the spot, Roberts’ pre-SCOTUS judicial record from 15 years ago, before Gideon entered politics. Collins has since made a whole ad about the exchange.

Another ad criticized Gideon for having too many “top priorities”—“building an economy that works for everyone,” “protecting the health and safety of our families and communities”—and just ended up repeating a lot of nice-sounding things Gideon wants to do.

The insinuation that Gideon is too rich to be a good senator is a little funny: According to financial disclosures, Gideon and her husband have a net worth of between $1 million and $3.1 million, while Collins and her husband’s net worth is between $2.3 and $6.9 million. The idea that being too popular is a ding against a politician’s character is even more absurd.

Then again, spinning unpopularity as a virtue may just be something Collins is trying to do for her own sake. In May 2019—a month before Gideon launched her campaign and well before she and her allies flooded Maine’s airwaves with anti-Collins ads—Collins marked a 17-point drop in her approval rating from the previous spring, a freefall that would make her the country’s least popular senator at the dawn of 2020. The major polling turning point for Collins, who used to be quite popular, was her vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. It wasn’t money from out of state or any of Gideon’s attack ads that did it. It was Collins herself.

Lol this must have been fun to write.