The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Who is “they?” Where are they doing this? You’re doing it again.

I’m talking about what specifically happened in this thread, where Caffeine was trying to explain “why doctors as a whole wouldn’t support single payer as presented thus far in the USA.” Now, perhaps one could argue that that’s a banal point or not something you care about, but instead we get the hysterical strawmanning that wants to pretend that he’s saying something different. (And not the good kind of hysterical).


I already posted my solution for doctors that don’t support it.


Way too much posting is along these exact lines. Hyper simplistic bumper sticker “critiques” that are often not even a response to the actual content of the post they are “responding to”.

It seriously degrades the debate.

Thats what they want you to think.


Bro, have you even studied the way fascist propaganda was used against the Stakhaniash Workers’ Collective in Ruritania in the late 1930s? This is the EXACT. SAME. PLAYBOOK.


I disagree that I was talking past him. At the end of the day who cares what doctors think about UHC. Maybe it does make it less likely to happen but we are already at 0% anyways.

Acting like the “reasonable” side of the argument is that doctors are scared of losing money so we can’t do better than ACA while tens of thousands die a year due to lack of access is completely insane. And seriously who cares about the feefees of the hospital systems and insurance companies. They are the literal bad actors who created this system.

Of course it’s the same people who always show up telling us to calm down and just accept the status quo. Everything is fine and we are just being hysterical. We need to be more reasonable and patient. One day the stars will align and people who live here will have basic human services.


Yeah non profit hospital just means they likely have a couple of elite Zen Rock Gardens on premises.

When comparing doctor’s compensation across countries, I think you need to figure in the cost (or lack of cost of) medical school, health insurance, and working conditions, especially during residency.


And lots of other factors. Taxation is important at physician earnings levels. The US also had some very high malpractice insurance costs (depending on specialty and jurisdiction). The one figure that I saw once was malpractice insurance premiums in Florida for OBGYNs was $200k per year. An outlier for sure but still mega lol.

All I’ve done is explain to you some major factors why UHC is 0% to pass.

Now, imagine someone spending ten or so posts using your statement here to say that you’re fine with people dying in the streets. It’d be really stupid right? That’s what the rest of your post does to me.

No one here disagrees with that.

UHC being 0% to pass this decade is obvious to every single person on this forum.

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wut? I didn’t do this.

wut? I didn’t do this.

wut? I didn’t do this. Who are you quoting?

You keep doing this, like it’s a bit or something. You’re like a middle school student who can’t understand what’s going on but gets a kick out of being rude to the kids in the class trying to pay attention. It’s fucking childish, but I guess you’re getting something out of it. Have fun.

Well, Wichita was arguing that UHC would have passed if we hadn’t passed Obamacare, so that’s not entirely true. It also doesn’t make sense at a more basic level. If people truly think that UHC can’t pass, why do they lose their shit when told some major reasons why UHC can’t pass?

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Victor, can you tell me how you can make health care cheaper without cutting pay to anyone?

I won’t speak for Wichita.

But I will say that while you didn’t really defend the current system, you certainly didn’t give the vibe that it’s an absolute disgrace that we don’t have universal health care in this country.

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  1. How do you make preventative care more affordable without cutting reimbursement to those providing care?

  2. Decreasing ER visits, while definitely a good thing, actually cuts ER physician pay. It’s actually a major issue in our industry right now, as covid decreased ER visits (mostly by stopping nonsense from coming in, but also some people who did need to come in). It’s not a good time to be looking for an ER doc position.

I likely do more to help with people who don’t have insurance in a week than y’all have done in your entire life. Spare me the ‘vibe’ that you’ve completely made up.

Gonna be a lot of defense attorneys taking pay cuts if we stop police officers from killing black kids. Anybody ever think of that?


First, you’re ignoring the first question, which is decidedly not that.

The second question was just further description of a fact of downstream affect. I agree that it’s not a concern.
