The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

FYI it’s also a model already used in the USA by the second largest insurer in the USA.

If you could do what you’ve said about subsidizing savings it’d be great. I’m severely skeptical that is a reasonable goal. As discussed, it still cuts pay overall to physicians if it worked out that way, even if it provides an overall social benefit worth attaining.

So cut pay to everyone, thanks for proving my point victor.

You think this is a joke gotcha but it perfectly makes the point he was making all along. Massive institutional change will be strongly resisted by the most powerful people in that institution.

You all know this. You all agree with it yet here we are 50 posts into an argument where both sides agree and are simply assuming the worst of every post to fabricate disagreement.


I’m not going to have a discussion with someone obviously acting in bad faith about how you can cut reimbursement to everyone, destroy an entire industry, and not cut pay to anyone.

I have no reason to get further involved but how often you own yourself is pretty funny. This very fucking thread has several posts with actual data (sometimes called evidence!) that at least some doctors are paid less in public system. They should be paid less. However, it is amazing how a guy who NEVER makes a post with any supporting data just gaslights posts that occurred within the last 24 hours.

Hey fuckwit. I didn’t make that post or any post on the topic of doctor pay you complete moron. How about you debate the people you are actually debating.

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grunching but adding onto the healthcare discussion.

My son broke his nose playing basketball last weekend. It was not a serious break, but it definitely dented in the side of his nose. I’d say 90% of Americans have a form of healthcare now where it’s going to cost several thousand dollars out of pocket to properly get that fixed. He needed a closed reduction under anesthesia to straighten it back out. I assume many people would not even have bothered to get the x-rays let alone get the operation.


It’s a stupid point.


@CaffeineNeeded Do you get paid as a fee per service contractor working for a physicians group or are you an employee of the hospital? If you’re getting paid per procedure how would you feel about getting paid a base + bonus instead?

Also how much of your work time is spent on coding and billing stuff?

To the best of my knowledge doctors are paid less on average in countries with single payer healthcare, but I’m also very much under the impression that the quality of life is substantially better. It’s also important to note that most of the disparity is in specific specialties that the US compensates insanely highly… and I’m 99.5% sure ER docs aren’t that.

That isn’t what i said or close. Come on lol.

My point was UHC would be more likely if the powers that be in the Dem party weren’t all in on defending and “fixing” Obamacare.

So like .1% instead of 0.0%

Rather not say how I get paid. Sorry.

I don’t code/bill directly, but my documentation makes up probably about the same amount of time as patient care. I have a lot of macros and voice recognition stuff to make it easier.

Maybe if doctors spent less time doing documentation they could do more procedures, get paid less per procedure, and make just as much money. (Dunno why they have to make just as much money tho)

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If this is your real point I’m even more befuddled at what the hell you were doing yesterday.

Yes but with a lot of foreign occupation and financing. The German people didn’t decide what Germany would look like after the war, the Allies did.


aaand the us media is now giving attention to a soros-like story. gjge.

That’s literally what I typed out in the post you quoted and took issue with. My point is Obamacare is a blocker of actual UHC not a step towards it.

You originally said more likely. I admittedly assumed that change was somewhat significant. If your real point was 0.0 to 0.1% then your posts yesterday makes even less sense. You were just being told something you already knew, yet lost your shit at me anyways.

That’s still more likely. Never did i insinuate we would have UHC by now without the ACA. I simply was pointing out that the ACA is a reason UHC is impossible because the supposed left leaning party has decided to fix ACA vs. true UHC.

You are a real condescending prick man. Every post contains an insult. You do it in the Covid thread and we tolerate it because you are knowledgeable there but acting like what I am saying is nonsensical is laughable.

Anyways not wasting more time on a back and forth with Ikes today.


Well, this is coming one way or another. China will surpass the US as the global center of power in our lifetime.

Germany lost an immense amount of cultural capital and human life because of WWII, not sure how on Earth you think it went well for them.

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