The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

If you get elected to the Senate in Mississippi, that would be way more impressive AINEC.


Keeed was Keeeding hard with a Gabbard followed by Bloomberg vote.

There is no wiggle room in this statement. Susan Collins would say something like, ā€œI am deeply concerned about the impact of removing the filibuster.ā€ Joe is actually making it easier to attack him in a reelection campaign by giving easy quotes that could be used to call him a liar. Heā€™s not voting to end the filibuster, and weā€™re not getting HR1. Stop being so damn naive.

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Heā€™s a politician from WV, a state Trump won by 40 points. Pretty safe to say being a full blown liar isnā€™t a deal breaker out there.

Manchin knows what heā€™s doing. Youā€™re allowed to get mad at him when he actually blocks the infrastructure bill or HR1. And I mean blocks as in it doesnā€™t pass at all.

Collins is trying to fool people like you into not thinking sheā€™s a sane Republican. Manchin is trying to trick Trump voters into thinking heā€™s not a real Democrat. Sometimes working the same type of grift can look really different based on the target audience.

Manchin is a tradeoff where he is generally a D ticket voter but he is also totally serious that he is never getting rid of the filibuster. Why would he? From his point of view heā€™s standing up for his interests and the interests of WV. He gets to choose which issues he will and wonā€™t nuclear option on. Itā€™s a great position for his state. I think the tradeoff is easily worth it for the Dems.

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He is a loyal West Virginian. Why would he give up his stateā€™s power relative to big states like California? I think this confuses people who see American politics through a purely partisan lens.

He is way more powerful without a filibuster.

This is political grandstanding, not power maximization. Its so hard to think clearly on this because the stakes are so high, but this dude is the absolute best case scenario imaginable for his specific seat. Without him nothing ever passes, and no judges.

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In a way heā€™s the only guy playing the game how itā€™s supposed to be played. The Framers envisioned a collective of independent states without partisan politics. LOL at those drunk morons but Manchin is carrying on their vision.

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Riverman curse about to strike again.


Hmm. Joe finally learning the ā€œfuck you, thatā€™s whyā€ trick:

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She is legit crazy. People that have spent time around her continue to insist she isnā€™t stupid so its the only remaining explanation.

Maybe she just realized she wonā€™t be able to win re election if they donā€™t pass this lol

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Get ready for ā€œI support the bill and also the filibuster.ā€ Thatā€™s next.


And yet some here continue to tout it as BUT WHATAR YOU GUNNA DO. WE HAS LAWS.

Really shows politically how much of a loser doing the right thing is for Biden. I for one donā€™t really care about the political ramifications. Just do the right thing and worry about the politics later. Its a chance to shift the Overton window or we are fucked anyways.

HR1 isnā€™t passing. Maybe if they water it down to platitudes.

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She started out in politics as a Green. That might have been the first clue.

Mississippi isnā€™t as bad for dems as you think it is. Itā€™s not that white.