The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Yeah I’m at the acceptance stage and just hope maybe all these popular bills and a new era of politics is enough to overcome it and we get 54 seats plus keep the house.

Probably 10% chance

The only realistic path forward is accelerationism. This idea that the current congress has any chance of slowing the looming disaster is insane. Maybe if 2022 is awesome that might not be true. But the odds of that are less than 1%

Fascists will rule in USA #1 probably unfettered with the #1 military and irreversible climate change on a very short horizon. If you want to terrify yourself watch Seaspiracy. Carbon emissions and plastic aren’t even the real problem. And there is a 0% chance the real problem gets fixed. The odds of most humans frying to death by 2100 has to be enormous.

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Damn I’m not this pessimistic lol. But yeah shit not looking good.

I’d like to hear a realistic path where the world doesn’t fish the seas to 0 and pollute the air to 0. The odds of anything resembling current human life in 2200 has to be almost 0. The only way anyone ever does anything is if we make life shifting changes before we get there. We can’t even get people to wear a mask in a global pandemic to save grandpa. It’s over.

We will wait until we literally can’t breathe and all life on the planet is dead to decide.

It’s why the dipshits like Musk playing space while half of this forum sucks his dick is so harmful.


The next global pandemic wipes out over half the population. Maybe we should have let COVID run wild.

seaspiracy has a ton of bunk in it. it starts with relatively fine facts about abhorrent practices, but ends up making completely outlandish bonkers statements out of which would be difficult to create a logical chain even if you could verify all of the studies. ocean is a vast and complex system where we ought to quit destroying and study better, but it isn’t likely dying like they claim.


I will stipulate to your general claim. How is it possible to have the current level of commercial fishing and sustain the ecosystems in the ocean?

It isn’t.

it isn’t sustainable to dump that much of broken fishing gear into the water, and kill 50-80% bycatch as well. trawling is banned in a lot of places and should be policed by multinational and community organized bodies with regulatory resources. satellite and drone technology is going to help enforce it too.

however it is possible to harvest and grow enough to meet future demand. that much is clear. farming is getting better. nutrient runoff will be helped with more soil restoration practices. forcing the industry to account bycatch and reduce it to zero will also be key.

With basically zero worldwide watchdogs and the movie showing farmed seafood is even worse I don’t get this. Can you clarify?

for example restoring kelp forests and oyster reefs creates more fish which can be caught with less invasive methods. yes, there will need to be watchdogs.

Yes. Creating infrastructure to ensure fisheries aren’t overfished would be good. Currently that isn’t reality and the ocean is being depleted by a 80-99% margin.

Saying what you say ignores we are no closer to actually doing it than Moby Dick era fishing. In fact large corporations do most of the fishing and are destroying the earth as a result.

It will be fine. It just requires an incorruptible government populated entirely by hard working geniuses to craft and enforce perfect regulations. President Bartlet is on it.


Let’s turn the tables and assume everything you are saying is true and the human race is going to be wiped out in 2100, 2200 or whatever. Let’s say take it further, and theoretically say it’s going to happen next year. If the human race is as shitty as you think it is, what’s the big deal if we wipe ourselves out?


If you want to get serious, nothing matters. We’re all playing a game here though and it’s no fun if you start talking about stuff like that.


I would like to have some more cheeseburgers and stuff first.


It’s an overall positive for the earth’s ecosystem? Like if humans all just ceased to exist the survivability of the planet would be way better.

We aren’t wiping ourselves out though only. We are systemically wiping every living creature off the earth. Give me one example where this isn’t the overwhelming trend if you don’t believe it.

Correct, whenever you start getting worked up about something, especially big picture stuff you can’t possibly control, a good dose of Nihilism for the Soul will calm you right down. Does for me anyway.

This episode has been brought to you by the Koch Brothers.

Is this a type of IPA?


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