The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Cornyn on Saudi Arabia:

Cornyn supported U.S. involvement in the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen. In December 2018 he said that the U.S. should stand with Saudi Arabia despite the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, saying: “Saudi Arabia is fighting a proxy war against Iran in Yemen, and an overreaction, in my view, would mean that we cancel arms sales and simply abandon our ally.”

Hate to abandon allies.

It seems like Cornyn’s position on “allies” is that if they have lots of money to buy weapons, it’s fine for them to do genocides and murder journalists, but if they don’t have much money, the US will stand by while they have genocide done to them. Like I don’t think I’m caricaturing his position much there.



Fantasy Camp: Trump gets impeached then spends the rest of his life railing against republicans and his zombies follow.

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That’s precisely the reason he won’t be impeached. Republicans know he doesn’t give a shit about the party

Here’s the follow up to that Alyssa Milano tweet:

I would like to abandon the Saudis as an ally.


Of course Consovoy is right out of the GMU / ASSLaw / Federalist Soc bag of dicks. What I don’t understand is why they are able to get serious play. They have to be at least as insane as GMU economists who are completely full of shit and bought by Koch money, but also the laughing stock of the profession. It’s anti-vaxxers at an academic medical conference. Distinguished Second Circuit just heard that Rock-n-Roll McDonald is literally a king from this doughboy:

If he’s looking to get a suit thrown out might I suggest one in particular?


Why was this flagged? If trump loses the election and refuses to leave office do people not think some guns will be pointed?

There’s really only two words to describe this tweet.



That is certifiable.

Good job talking about the patriots in Pittsburgh.
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From time to time it is important to stop, take stock, consider this dude has the nuclear codes, and say “cool”

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You’ll never guess which Presidential candidate loves her some Muslim suppressing Modi? It rhymes with Lulsi.

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Folks, I think he’s re-tweeting someone who is not American.

Hello Pitcairn Islanders. I’m just here to point out that Trump obviously knows where Colorado is on a map and was certainly joking as he says.


Lol someone thought Trump would get a boost from Chuck Woolerly’s MC Hammer joke. What a time to be alive.
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