The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

quid pro quo was confirmed by multiple state department officials and ukranian officials. trump did not faithfully execute the laws of the united states. about as impeachable as you can get, i mean what’s the point of impeachment, even, if you’re gonna allow that.

couple foreign dudes close to rudy giuliani and who donated hundreds of thousands to the trump campaign got arrested at an airport with one-way tickets out of the country the day before they were scheduled to testify

trump says emoluments clause is unconstitutional and fake. claims he’s being lynched, and republicans who don’t support everything he’s doing are “human scum”


A judge asked Trump’s lawyer this morning if Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not be charged or investigated for a crime. Trump’s lawyer said that was correct.


lol that was a wild one


And it’s not even Friday :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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The OLC memo is as binding as a ruling from the House parliamentarian.

Cummings funeral is Friday. The GOP dumbasses that did that crap today did it knowing Pelosi would be at her brother’s funeral. God only knows what they’ll do during Cummings’s funeral. Probably hold a klan rally on the national Mall. And Lyndsay will lament that wasn’t the best of choices.

From the internet:

Like I mentioned earlier it’s probably not illegal for them to enter the SCIF. They can just let themselves in because they have access. It’s just the specific meeting being held in the SCIF that they were not invited to because of House rules. Regarding phones, it’s typically an individual responsibility to ensure you’re leaving them outside.

You say this as though you think Pelosi would have stopped any of this had she been in Congress today. Like, you really think she’d have taken out her cuffs and arrested Gaetz if she was in DC?

It’s possible they chose to do this today so that she could save face. Which is really the most terrifying explanation.

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that was fast. those sanctions lasted almost a full week. turkey got everything it wanted, killed a bunch of our allies and displaced them, with no repercussions. dealmaker$$$$america#1don’t trust this country, trust russia, russia is the country to deal with if you want stability. russia doesn’t ditch its friends for seemingly no reason besides wanting a strong personal business relationship between our corrupt president and your heavily-armed shitstirring neighbor


Hahaha. Good one, Alyssa.

Just imagine the letter she would have written. It would have started something like:

Honorable Representative Matthew Gaetz,

Dear kind sir, I am hereby writing to notify you, the gentleman of great repute from Florida’s 1st and finest district, that I am mildly displeased with your actions today, though I’m sure you genuinely believe them to be patriotic in service of your wonderful constituents.

etc, etc…


If there’s a first sitting GOP senator to come out and state that Trump needs to be impeached and removed, they will be remembered as a true American hero, rather than for the ~3 years of enabling, bullshitting, water carrying, etc…

Yeah but what kind of odds do you need to take Cruz to be that hero?

if they’re not killed by the other 40% of the country

C’monnnnn, Ted. I don’t know, ballpark 1,000 to 1?

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If that does get tweeted, my preference would be that the text is tweeted by the forum account as plain text with a link to a post above mine, like one where someone linked to an article or tweet about the invasion.

2020 election ads are getting easier by the day. “Hillary told you this guy would be a disaster who might start world war 3, that you better vote for the lessor of two evils… she was right. Stalin for president 2020, enough is enough and everyone wants to get the fuck off this ride already.”

Holy shit… Cornyn basically came out in support of allowing a genocide against the Kurds.

“If Turkey was planning on coming into northern Syria and trying to ethnically cleanse the Kurds, and U.S. troops were caught in the middle, I am not completely convinced that it was a bad idea to get them out of harm’s way,” Cornyn said.

She’s joking. Unironically true though.

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