The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

The notion that DOJ staff has to follow the memo, just because it’s a memo, is also complete bullshit. A memo endorsing an act that was clearly unconstitutional would not have to be followed.

I haven’t read the details, but how does one force their way into a secured room where highly classified info is supposed to be? Are there no guards of any sort? Are the doors not locked? I’d imagine you’d need to be badged in somehow?

Not sure if serious but I f you’re saying you need to catch up on several weeks of politics news then holy shit you’re in for a treat. Cliffs: WeGotHim.gif

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I did not understand this either.


by the time I answer this there’s gonna be a new one


edit–today we got trump saying to build a wall in colorado (his supporters cheered this of course), republicans storming confidential thing a ma jig with cell phones that’s illegal and they should’ve all been arrested but nothing will happen to them because lol dems, and I forgot what happened in the morning already.

yesterday or the day before was trump using the word lynching to discuss impeachment to distract from all the shit he did, mulvaney admitted it was quid pro quo while all the rest of the R critters were still denying it. Even I’ve lost track it’s wild.

Agreed, me neither. Apparently Congress operates on a handshake security system.

Yesterday was one of the most consequential days of the impeachment process, perhaps sitting only behind the news of the existence of the whistleblower, the discovery that there was a shady call with Ukraine, and the WH release of the summary of the call. Bill Taylor, the guy who in released text messages saying, “Whoa, I can’t believe we’re doing the quid pro quo crimes!” and then getting scolded by Sondland, who said “Whoa whoa whoa there. We are definitely not talking about quid pro quo here. If we’re going to talk about doing the crimes, call me” testified before congress, saying that yes, it was quid pro quo, everyone knew it, and he had receipts. He may have also caught Sondland, who had testified earlier, committing perjury.


Was Barr AG yet? If so, they definitely would have been arrested after Speaker McCarthy wrote DOJ a letter referring the matter to them - this of course after having the Sergeant at Arms detain them. They would have hauled them out in cuffs and then let the courts rule on whether or not the Constitution prevented arresting members of Congress inside the House during a session.

Boredsocial didn’t threaten violence, it was quite different from the NotBruceZ posts in question. Also boredsocial doesn’t have a history of using any type of violent rhetoric to my knowledge, and I still wouldn’t call this violent rhetoric even if it was a violent metaphor.

Never the less, I sent boredsocial a friendly PM asking for caution in the future while explaining that I didn’t think this was over the line, but he or she is one of our best posters and to be mindful of the type of discourse we want to foster here as others might follow an example set by him or her.

Great stunt fellas, well done.

Wait a second, did we (Unstuck’s Twitter) @ Trump’s Twitter account with that boredsocial tweet? If so, I will find that momentary lapse in judgment to be hilarious in a few months (once it’s safe to assume we aren’t all getting dragged in to answer questions about boredsocial with bright lights in our face).

Godspeed, boredsocial.


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A while back we killed a couple hundred Russians to keep them from getting an oil field in Northern Syria.

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Trump would be all over your parody here. ;)
( twitter | raw text )

Consider: stuxnet was able to sabotage Iranian centrifuges that were completely isolated from the internet, using only a thumb drive.
Taking a cell phone into “safe area” is potentially devastating. The mind boggles at the steps needed to regain security.

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