The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Imagine if some democrat had taken pictures of the Kavanaugh supplemental background check from inside the SCIF…

Ya i mean the breathlessness from some itt borders on delusional. Absolutely no one is going to care about this two days from now once another set of crimes are done right out in the open.


This is where I got lost…

Really? I tell him to go fuck himself all the time on Twitter.


Fuck that guy

Long before they burst onto the national scene with their high-profile arrests at Dulles International Airport earlier this month, Soviet-born businessmen Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were already turning heads in Republican fundraising circles.

While questions in Washington swirl around Shokin’s role in this controversy, Giuliani, Parnas, Fruman had specific plans for the former Ukrainian official up until the day of their arrest. According to those four sources, they told others they were headed to Vienna to help with a planned interview the next day: Shokin, they said, was scheduled to do an interview from the Austrian capital with Sean Hannity.

Assume I’m posting the gif of that guy squeeing in Inglorious Basterds

Yeah unfortunately we don’t need to imagine when Tbot is posting. :unamused:

Hahahaha this is so obvious even the Dems can get a charge out of this. Rudy’s getting disbarred! LMAO!!!

My mistake, I confused the screen names of notBruceZ and BoredSocial. Go ahead and tweet posts where poster’s threaten violence against a sitting President, it is ok when the poster doing it isn’t notBruceZ…

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Use this guy:

Seems like the time necessary to re-harden the SCIF is a double-win for the GOP.

That’s different. It doesn’t contain a reference to him getting shot.


I’m sure they have more than one SCIF they can use, but now all those GOP critters that were in there will need to have their phones checked to make sure they’re not compromised (LOL).

That’s super inaccurate. My post was obviously metaphorical/satirical and nbz’s posts are encouraging actual violence against actual people.

Can anyone catch me up on whatever the latest scandal is? I had to do a mental health check out of this stuff for several weeks.

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Secret Service known for it’s sense humor…

Miffed Schiff makes short shrift of swift tiff in the SCIF.


Today a bunch of Freedom Caucus dickbags led by Matt Gaetz invaded the super-secure room where the committees were doing their inquiries. They took their phones in there.

Also Trump’s lawyer said that Trump was immune from prosecution for anything because he is president. This includes literally shooting someone on 5th Avenue (yes they really used that language).

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There was no threat of violence, any more than watching Pulp Fiction was a threat of forcible anal rape to the viewing audience. The post painted a satiric picture, nothing more nothing less.

Anyone who took as a threat really needs to work on their reading comprehension.