The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Look at that… TrumpBot toning down the rhetoric!

I’m your man, Steve Harvey. Top nineteen answers are on the board. We asked one hundred deplorables: Name a state that borders Mexico.


I say Umpire Rob Drake should be banned from

Deep state?


I honestly have no idea what he is trying to say here.

It pains me to consider how many hours of brain power I have wasted trying to decipher this meat sack’s ramblings.

We need to start a YouTube channel with this game show format. Deep State would be in the top five for sure.

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Now we see how to grow the forum

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Right now it’d be like:

  1. Texas
  2. Arizona
  3. Florida
  4. California
  5. Deep State
  6. Build the Wall
  7. Colorado
  8. Louisiana
  9. Georgia
  10. New Mexico
  11. Oklahoma
  12. El Paso
  13. Alabama
  14. Iowa
  15. Mississippi
  16. Kansas
  17. That Mexican Named Place Trump Has (Mar-a-Lago)
  18. Mexico
  19. Phoenix
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Obviously they don’t want to mix business and politics.


Ted Cruz definitely had an Alyssa Milano poster on his wall.

Member when Stormy and Avenatti were going to take down Trump?


Not sure if article requires a sub. Here’s the main part:

"But down in literally the last paragraph is something I’d never heard before and I don’t think has been reported elsewhere. Parnas and Fruman (with Giuliani to arrive via a separate flight, apparently) were on their way to Vienna to handle logistics for a blockbuster interview Viktor Shokin (the notorious fired prosecutor) was going to do on Hannity!

Here’s the passage …

Two weeks ago when they were arrested, Parnas and Fruman were preparing to fly to Vienna, Austria, to meet Giuliani and another key figure in the impeachment investigation, Ukraine’s former prosecutor general Viktor Shokin, according to four sources familiar with their trip. Shokin is the same Ukrainian official who former Vice President Joe Biden — along with other Western leaders — had pushed to have removed over concerns he wasn’t prosecuting corruption

While questions in Washington swirl around Shokin’s role in this controversy, Giuliani, Parnas, Fruman had specific plans for the former Ukrainian official up until the day of their arrest. According to those four sources, they told others they were headed to Vienna to help with a planned interview the next day: Shokin, they said, was scheduled to do an interview from the Austrian capital with Sean Hannity.

It is all rather byzantine of course. So a bit more unpacking is required.

Giuliani and his two pals had connected up with Firtash who was ready to use his vast power and influence in Ukraine to put a bullseye on the Bidens. That was in exchange for help getting charges dropped against him in the US. (He’s in Austria fighting extradition to the US on those charges.) Firtash got Shokin to swear out an affidavit making a series of maximal accusations against the Bidens – namely that he had been close to exposing Hunter and Joe Biden’s crimes and that was why Biden got him fired. Giuliani and John Solomon had been hawking that affidavit everywhere in the weeks before Parnas and Fruman’s arrest. (I wrote about it here a month ago.)

In other words, getting Shokin lined up to do this interview maybe wasn’t quite the whole enchilada – that was going to be the CNN interview with Zelensky which Sondland and Trump and Rudy were making a condition of military aide. But it was still a pretty big one. This certainly would have had the effect of mainlining the Giuliani/Ukraine conspiracy theories right into the US body politic.

If CNN is right about this, a big part of the Giuliani/Firtash disinformation campaign was going to drop just one day later – until the FBI scooped up Parnas and Fruman at Dulles airport."

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I was talking to a coworker at work tonight about Lindsay being compromised. He has an interesting take that may make sense. He doesn’t think Lindsay is compromised. He thinks Trump is promising him to be VP in 2020 as long as he backs him on everything. His reasoning is Trump never really praises Pence and thinks he’s weak. I don’t buy it b/c I think Lindsay has skeletons in his closet but you never know.

You’d have to be a gigantic moron to believe Trump is going to keep such a promise.

I mean he might be aiming for it, but prob not because of any kind of promise from Trump.

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Apparently that back channel staffer who was feeding Trump Ukraine info was a Nunes aide. Shocking I know.

Also apparently the freedom caucus knobs wanted to get arrested and taken out in handcuffs for the optics.

Ironically I bet half of them eventually fulfill that desire in their life.

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Yea probably but remember if Trump promised this, he did it 3 years ago. Graham is just suffering Stockholm Syndrome at this point.

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Rut-Roh, Drudge Report banner got under his skin…