The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

This goes back to the Volker texts I believe, which I think were group texts Taylor was included on. This is the part where I said I thought ‘the deliverable’ based on reading everything was the public statement that never happened.

Imagine if the Whitehouse had daily press briefings still.

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Maybe it’s always been this way, but I’ve noticed in the past few weeks that no one in the GOP seems to know what others are doing. And they seem to get caught off guard on TV. On 60 Minutes, Kevin McCarthy was caught off guard when he thought they falsified that transcript Trump released. It was obvious he never even read it. And then Pompeo was saying over the weekend to George S. that he can’t answer a hypothetical. And then when it was pointed out that Mick saying quid pro quo was real and not a hypothetical, he looked legit shook.

The POTUS is getting impeached and these idiots can’t even to bother keep their stories straight despite they all 100% support the dotard.

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I have to say, of all the Trump sycophants, flacks and shameless gas-lighters, Kellyanne Conway is the most effective. She absolutely never gets rattled. She never answers the question that was asked. She never breaks character and most importantly, maintains a smug, condescending demeanor even as she spews lie after lie after lie. I hate her, and I don’t use that word lightly, but she’s fantastic at her job.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders was similarly good at this.


It has, just in the past there was an organization responsible for getting out the talking points everyone was supposed to agree on and the current administration can’t even keep those within the party when they do manage to send them out.

Or in other words Quid Pro Quo.

Sondland definitely going to be recalled.

I mean… we’re comparing Beelzebub to Mephistopeles, but Huckabee can’t hold a pitchfork to Conway.

Would Conway take that job though? She’s good at lying and maintaining talking points but she doesn’t actually participate in crimes does she? If she took that job, she would be active in a cover up.

I think she’s been guilty of some lolHatch Violations, but I imagine this is the strong advice her husband is giving her.

They are all lawyers and lawyers know that legally you’re a lot safer not reading something than you are reading it. That way you can credibly say you can’t recall, weren’t aware, etc. The fact that all of them have gone legalistic is a sign that they know this thing is awful and could drag them down if they actively participate. So they aren’t participating at all lol. They probably aren’t reading the news any more than absolutely necessary, definitely aren’t reading any documents that might incriminate Trump, and generally are being as willfully ignorant as physically possible. As a strategy. I know, it’s completely bonkers.


Gotta love the whole “Ignorance is not an excuse” except for you know, those in Congress.

Ignorance is not an excuse is not accurate in any way shape or form. Many many many statutes require you to prove intent.

Think the requirement for intent is intent to commit the act not intent to knowingly commit a criminal act ie ignorance is not a defense.

I’d argue that she’s already committed several crimes in the open (lol Hatch Act). And the promotion would definitely put her in a position to be caught up in more criming.

That being said, IF she has been this close to the campaign and the administration for this long and is not tied up in some major dirt, then she must have a great capacity for knowing when to leave a room and make someone else get involved, which seems to be a crucial survival skill in this White House. One thing that is abundantly clear is that the normal beaurecratic chain of command just doesn’t exist right now. Trump will go to whoever’s he thinks will get the job done, even if it means asking Lewindowski to fire cabinet officials, putting his personal attorney in charge of State Department personnel, or asking a random black reporter to organize a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus. Given that, there’s no reason to think that Conway would have to be involved in thing X simply because it is the type of thing that a COS would typically be involved in.