The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I’ve said this before, but Mike Pence basically has a freeroll into the presidency if he’s good at leaving the room at the right time.

I was talking more like stuff such as a speeding ticket when the judge laughs at you when you say you didn’t know you were speeding.

Oh that’s a poor people crime. Only poor people are required to know the law by statute lol. Complex white collar crime is a whole other ball of wax. Also if you hire a lawyer to get you out of the speeding ticket he’ll get you out of it the vast majority of the time. Again see rich people crime vs poor people crime.


Narrator: He wasn’t. Mike Pence was a moron.

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If you don’t know anything about something how can you intend to commit the act?

He’s probably made a killing manipulating the markets though

I really doubt he’s savvy enough to do that correctly. The guy could fuck literally anything up and trading, even with a massive inside edge, isn’t that easy. Keeping something like that quiet while simultaneously doing it at sufficient scale to move the needle would actually be pretty challenging.

I’m probably explaining myself badly but in Ireland anyway, to be guilty of most crimes there has to be both mens rea and actus reus. The first relates to intention ie you must have intended to stab the person, must have intended to take the product from the shop etc (whether or not you knew that stabbing someone or taking a product was illegal is irrelevant).
It’s 20 years since I studied law, but I think the above is correct. I could be wrong lol.

We are at the bottom of the barrel of Trump lackeys in Congress and elsewhere trying to defend him. They are not sending their best. There’s no way to message out of what’s going on. Bill Barr has stepped away from two things (acting DNI WB thing and Giuliani), because there’s no way he can cover up/spin covering up those things without it being a smoking gun connection of crimes to him personally. We’re at the ‘who are you going to believe, me or you own lying eyes?’ part of the defense.

And the left has their best people in actual positions of power within the party? I don’t buy it. Both sides have a bunch of morons (granted our side has significantly less) running the show which is exactly how we got here.

I’ll start believing it once people and politicians who are enriching the corporate class in this country start being put behind bars and not before. The rest is all political theatre.

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Taylor’s 15 page opening statement.

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Yes for sure. The strategy can easily be adapted as the story changes. You’ll see. I just literally don’t have more than a minute or two of unbroken time for now. I’ll come back to this.

So you’re saying he doesn’t want to be in the room where it happens


Right on, I’m going to go over the document and mark it up either tonight or tomorrow.


Six hours since Trump tweet. Tick tick tick

Remember that one time he didn’t tweet for thirty hours?

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No quid pro quo!

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This double-hearsay jammy seems like it’s going to become a GOP talking point

Here’s some parts I foudn interesting, though the whole thing is worth a read.



I can’t even begin to imagine how the GOP is going to even start to spin this. This is the definition of quid pro quo.