The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I bet she’s the pro-est of life though.

I want Trump to say it b/c I want to see these GOP assholes have to explain it away. But I sure as hell don’t think it’s changing a vote.

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“Amb. Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelensky was dependent on a public announcement of investigations — in fact, Amb. Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance,’” Taylor told House investigators.


It might lose him one senator and a small percentage of his support. There are a lot of people who think that racism is defined by using the n-word or acting out violently against minorities.

LOL our legal system allowing Roger Stone to roam free blatantly defying judicial orders and trolling the world. He sure learned from those speeches he got from the bench!

Seriously this is BS.

His father was a racist and brought him up to hate the other. Its in his blood long before Clarence Thomas.

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You misunderstand. Trump’s a huge racist, but I don’t interpret this as one of his racist statements, more a reflection of his dumbness. I think you give him too much credit.

Anyone know more about this upcoming book that Drudge is promoting?

how long would it take Bellingcat to find out who the author is?

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Sorry to hear that. Don’t even have time to read any updates on the burning :(

Like I said last night, Taylor’s going to be the star witness, which means that the narrative is going to change overnight from Pelosi’s fact sheet. I think it’s not going to be relevant going into tomorrow with whatever news we get out of the testimony, so it’s probably best to wait a few days before doing anything (other than to give ideas of what you would do based on that document for potentially future or current reference).

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put your fuckin name on it or don’t write it. wtf


Witch Hunt! Complete vindication!

He’s been treated so unfairly!

Well Named is registered here they just don’t post because many of the early posts here made it clear they were unwelcome.

For that first week though I don’t think anybody read more of the site than them.

You sound like Soledad!

That sucks. Put me on the record as disagreeing strongly with those people. Good posters do not grow on trees. Not saying I wouldn’t have made fun of him some, but nothing mean spirited. I save that for Pete Buttigieg.

There other words he could have used easily like railroaded, Liberal, socialist but he choose the L word.

I can see your point but I ain’t giving him any benifit of the doubt the same as he didn’t give the central park 5 any benifit of the doubt.

I suppose your correct, but so am I? As there is a ring of racism in using those words as a rich white man in the US.

Reporting says he was told the aid was being withheld for the public statement into the investigation, who told him?

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