The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I would argue it is more that trump is a racist that using the word lynching is more problematic.

Of course a non racist would probably not flippantly use such loaded rhetoric so never mind.

Also where is RUDY!

Trump’s “terminate” remarks were interpreted by journalists on Twitter as meaning canceling paper subscriptions, rather than kicking reporters out of the White House.

Jesus Christ, he’s the fucking President. Stop “interpreting” his words and just report what spills out of his maw.

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As much as the Senate deserves to have Trump rant on the floor for 24 hours straight, I think you mean veto


He does understand people who work in the whitehouse still need to read those publications right?

Although lol at reading physical papers. I used to read 3-5 physical papers a day yet I don’t remember last time I touched newsprint.

This is the same guy who calls polls that are bad for him “fake”, so no, no he does not.

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He tweeted favorably about a NYT poll this morning.

Keep it in your pants bs

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Oh hush. There are a few posters we lost in the transition that I was seriously sad about. Econophile was at the absolute top of the list. Well Named used to be up there… but yeah I don’t know what to think with the freak show he’s decided to run over on 2p2. Anyone who would rather post with luckbox and DS over this crowd I don’t know what to think about.


Lol, don’t post when also writing emails. I meant the senate would filibuster and if that hurdle could be cleared Trump would veto, because part of his general business/scam is having a ton of opaque LLCs.

(Biden might also veto because of all the money Delaware gets from registering shady LLCs with limited disclosure requirements.)

You could have stopped here.

Lindsay would be a favorite to say something like, “Not all black people are n-words, but…” or “He ended it in ‘a’ not ‘er’ and if black people can say it, so can he,” or “I was deeply concerned by his use of that particular slur, I would have chosen a less offensive word myself, but…”

It seems like there is a mountain of evidence that Trump is a giant racist. Sure using the word lynching is bad but all the breathlessness about it seems odd when this is racist act #1000 for his presidency. He should just be openly referred to as a racist by anyone who matters and that has been true for a long time.

I agree with whoever posted about this being Trump purposefully attempting to distract from the likely testimony being given today. And knowing our media it seems to possibly be working (again).


To trump fake literally mean makes me look or feel bad and true means makes me look or feel good. Not cynically I really don’t think he’d understand if you tried to explain that wasn’t the meaning.

Some of it is, but the boomer generation is the epitome of entitled selfishness.

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Again, this likely isn’t Trump’s racism, just his ignorance and creeping dementia. He remembered Clarence Thomas calling a tough congressional inquiry a “lynching” and thought that he could as well, because he only has intact neural connections to like 47 ideas and events.

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We need a Quid Pro Quo emoji.


:handshake: + :moneybag: + :ru:


Way too many people seem to think trump using the n word would be some line too far for the right. It would be a story for 24 hours and then gone. Have people not been paying attention the last 3 years?


:squid: 4 :man_facepalming:


