The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I was going to make a joke about how I’d have to read it to make a better version, then I felt nunneshamed so read it, and holy shit is that bad. Who do they think the audience is for that? Certainly not the public.

Biggest cuck ever.

He is the worst negotiator ever. Even with the goal of drawing down troops it should have been possible to get substantial concessions in all cases. Would be second nature to make the most of such opportunities as a “perfect negotiator”.

I am having a hard time thinking of any deal he has made that has not been total capitulation.

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Slightly less drunken rant but this initial rant came from

Conway was ahead of Bevin in polls at this point in the election cycle, this point being in a few weeks.

Bevin been slowly creeping into the lead every single poll, where if he is even now. It is fucking over. Bevin is winning and I am already resigned to it. What pisses me off so much is Matt Jones was hot fucking fire tonight against Bevin.

Twitter is still twitter, but Matt Jones had TV platform that had better ratings than Jeopardy, in Kentucky. And if you think I am kidding about Amy being responsible for pulling him off the air…

So yes, fuck you Amy. There are a lot of things that will lead up to Bevin getting reelected. But you pulling Matt Jones off the air is unforgivable.

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You would be the messaging, @smrk4 would be design, and @RiskyFlush would make some funny photoshops that will set Trump off.

I can help with final shaping for tightening/loosening. If you all want to take this on, the most important thing is to not change any of the actual words in it. We might need additional lines of explanation, but keep all their text and idea of a narrative intact. This is something that would be good to go to people like Jamie Raskin, Jim Himes, and various leadership positions especially Pelosi if we get something interesting that works.

The same audience who loves watching terrible political ads. It looks like it’s targeted at Fox News/Drudge Report readers.

It’s not a bad idea to put something better together and then all tweet it at Pelosi, AOC, Sanders, Warren, etc and try to get someone to RT it and make it take off. You should edit your post to @ everyone. If they’re in, I’m in.

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Which post?

It would be hilarious if after months of arguing about the likelihood of impeachment we teamed up and managed to help the Dems messaging on impeachment and influenced the likelihood ourselves. Cue up the 80’s movie montage of everyone working together set to some ridiculously corny song.


The one where you said who would do what.

Is it? Are they likely to read it and appreciate it? The long lines and underlined emphasis are not even becoming of a Comp 101 undergrad. It’s just bad. It’s got all the basic errors you first teach someone on presentation and persuasion.

In the words of John Mulaney on the best advice he ever got about writing jokes, “We get it, you’re eloquent, but get to the point.”

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It’d be like the movie Conspiracy Theory. Suddenly Rump’s goons (hopefully Guiliani but I’ll take Parnas) come after us and we’re left wondering huh, but which one of our mega threads got it right? We have so many.

If you’re up for this, go through it and condense it (even though I think the people who made this would be more receptive if we’re largely changing layout) to get the same points across, but don’t change their narrative. I know you understand this kind of stuff, and I’d like to see what a condensed version as relatively plain text would look like.

It needs to be like two pages, stuff like POTUS needs to be explained, and parts of the story are skipped that should be in there while other stuff is added that shouldn’t. Then it needs to look better. The first page is such a waste, in almost every way.

Chances of me having any time to do so before the weekend are less than impeachment. Depends how the next couple of days shake out, but my pile of work is unusually high. Hard to find time for more than cheap shots.

The first page is the worst thing about all of the bad things about it. I’m pretty familiar with all of the big points in what happened on this, and I don’t remember seeing in the ‘fact sheet’ the key ‘quid pro quo’s’ text from Sondland. He made that text after talking to Trump a few minutes prior and hours after Taylor’s text. That’s horribly damaging for him. It’s probably important to note that Taylor testifies tomorrow, and it could make their whole document pointless based on what gets out. So it’s probably best to wait until Wednesday to start tackling this other than slicing it up.

First thing that should probably happen is turning the whole thing into plain text in a good font. Then start making revisions for improvement.

Pick one paragraph of it, and give a quick example of how you’d improve it. That’s all that’s needed.

Nice compliment to the THUG Act, and a new tRUmp nickname was born - SwampThug

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You all are going to be living with the after effects of this for a generation. All of the folks appointed and empowered by trump will be making mischief for years to come, because no way dems have the courage to carry out the required purge.

In fact, whoever smart trump 2.0 is, who finely takes down your democracy, has almost certainly got his start now somewhere.

The Octavius to Trumps dumb Cesar.


Really worth reading trump’s transcript from yesterday. He even talks about releasing his financials when the timing is right.

He talks about how George Washington ran his businesses while president.

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