The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

It’s so obvious to everyone here that you’re putting up a front. We all know you watch sexy hitman porn on the reg.

I just want to know if he is more of a straight porno hitman or a gay porno hitman. Do gay porno hitmen ever literally pull guns out of their assessment?

And does a porno hitman literally fuck someone to death? Do they seduce their target, only to spray a poisonous load of semen over their victim’s face? And how can you have poisonous semen without poisoning yourself?

Does his eyepatch cover where he hides his roofies? I can see Republicans saying it’s not really rape if you’re a veteran. And white. I can totally see Crenshaw thinking it’s his right as a disabled veteran to get some pussy. After all, he deserves some compensation for losing the ability to do magic eye puzzles. America owes him that.

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Suffocation by ropes, generally.

Libs lost 21 seats in canada’s election

It took only a few dozen Special Forces operators near the border in northern Syria to deter Turkey from assaulting America’s Kurdish allies there, but soon after Mr. Trump talked with Mr. Erdogan on Oct. 6, the president announced on a Sunday night that they would be pulled back. Turkey then launched a ferocious attack on the Kurds, and by the time a convoy of American troops moved away over the weekend, they were shown in a widely circulated video being pelted by angry Kurds throwing potatoes to express their sense of betrayal.

Mr. Trump did not ask Mr. Erdogan for anything in exchange. Instead, the diplomacy came only after the Turkish incursion began when he sent Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Ankara to broker a cease-fire to give the Kurds time to evacuate a new safe zone to be controlled by Turkey along the Syrian border. Mr. Erdogan essentially got what he wanted.

In Afghanistan, Mr. Trump’s special envoy spent months negotiating a peace agreement with the Taliban militia that would provide guarantees that the country would not be used as a base for terrorist attacks against the United States if it reduced its troop presence to around 8,600. The talks fell apart, but Mr. Trump is drawing down American forces anyway, pulling out 2,000 troops in the last year, leaving 12,000 to 13,000. Plans are to keep shrinking the force to around 8,600 anyway.

In Asia, Mr. Trump voluntarily canceled traditional large-scale joint military exercises with South Korea at the behest of Mr. Kim even though the two have yet to reach any kind of concrete agreement in which North Korea would give up its nuclear weapons. The decision frustrated not only allies like South Korea and Japan but senior American diplomats and military officers, who privately questioned why North Korea should be given one of its key demands without having to surrender anything itself.

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It’s good that she understands the need to explain this in just a few pages, but the execution was not good. Like what percentage of Americans know what POTUS stands for?
( twitter | raw text )

Clips4sale has the longest tail for fetishes (or did when I still had a functioning script that pulled the categories and keywords).

371 hits for “hitman”
357 hits for “trump”

Might wanna check there.


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It looks like a bad campaign ad. It’s boring. The narrative is crafted poorly. No one will probably read it. I think one of those white board things with the threads of connection would have been more effective, and I wouldn’t recommend that either.

It could have been much worse after the blackface gaffe, personally I see it as a victory that we aren’t seeing a consevative PM coming to power to the north.


I was actually thinking of that scene when I posted that.

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I agree, but I’m impressed with the fact that she attempted to boil it down to four pages for the American people. Now AOC can do the same thing, but, you know, effectively, then the party can push that content out.

Same, I was pretty worried about it.

Here’s a possible opportunity for you, @smrk4, and maybe @RiskyFlush to fix this so that it doesn’t look like the work of someone in their basement or a third rate campaign ad marketing firm. If you think the narrative is reasonable, length is okay, etc. you could probably package the narrative so that it flows and works without being boring and/or ugly.

I’d be better at the messaging/writing aspect than the design, but I’m sure we have a few posters who can work on that side of it too.

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