The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

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I don’t know I hope Tiffany ends up with everything.

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Yea fuck anyone associated with the Trump name. They need to be bankrupt for 1,000 years. Every last one of them. Being white trash isn’t good enough. They need to be lower than the undesirables in caste society.

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2 army vets not too long ago posted a live tweet in Congress with one off them as nice as possible asking Dan to speak up for the children in cages and other stuff and he practically ran away.

I’ll settle for Palin level disgrace

Yup, basically anything that Congress wanted to impeach him for they could. So, one could consider “very fine people” to be a misdemeanor, or what he did to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, or “shithole countries.”

I just don’t care, I’m indifferent. I care no more if Tiffany and Barron and the grandkids are rich than I do some random person. I guess you can argue that Don, Eric and Ivanka’s kids and Barron are likely to be raised to be deplorable, so there’s a case for hoping they don’t inherit tons of money and use it to hurt people/the country.

Why do you wish such debt on the most innocent member of the family?


The greatest trick Republicans ever pulled was convincing Democrats that they need to always lick the balls of anyone associated with the US military or else forever be branded as a traitor who hates the troops. Crenshaw is a Tea Party dickclown who moderated a conspiracy theory website, but he lost his eye in Iraq, and that makes him so far above criticism that even SNL isn’t allowed to make a mild joke about him. Tulsi is above reproach because she’s a major in the US Army, Dems can’t stop falling over themselves to praise St. John McCain, Buttigeg is the darling of the Neoliberals --he used his service as a cheap cudgel to beat down Beto during the last debate. They stand for the national anthem at Democratic debates and wear little flag pins, FFS.

And guess what, folks, the Dems got nothing out of the bargain. Hillary and Biden played ball and authorized the Iraq War (gotta support the troops!) and now the Republicans have turned a 180 are accusing them of being warmongers. They got played and they all fucking deserve it.


The percentage donating to Trump was way too high for there not to be more to it and Trumpy != conservative.

SNL joked about Dan Cranshaw in the following way, and I will quote wiki:

comedian Pete Davidson joked about Republican candidates’ appearances, and described Crenshaw as looking like a “hit man in a porno movie” while adding that he lost his eye in “war or whatever.”

Remember, this is the party of fuck your feelings, fuck political correctness, why can’t we tell offensive jokes anymore etc. etc. and this is what set them off. If someone told me I look like a hitman from a porno movie, I’d assume they were flattering me, but no, the fucking snowflake whines about it and of course SNL licks his boots in abject apology.

PS: If the Dems wind up nominating someone with a military background, they will 100% get swiftboated once again. They’re like the frog from that fable about the frog and the scorpion, only it’s like if the frog survived and recoveredfrom the ordeal and then met the scorpion later and agreed to ferry it across the river once again. They’re just that fucking incompetent.


Interfering on the side of the democrats has real risk while Trump is president. Probably a ton of economic sanctions and Trump declaring the election invalid and probably have enough backing to pull it off if there is evidence.

Also if there’s no evidence.

This is so good, as in terrible layout, boring af, but it is what it is. It’s not clear, but this is what Pelosi has released as a ‘fact sheet’.


I would assume they are setting up a joke with a cockeyed punchline since it is derivative of Bob Sagat’s version of The Aristocrats and right up their alley of stealing jokes and making them unfunny.

I push back at this by picking spots to be intentionally disrespectful towards some veterans. I’ve gotten into trouble elsewhere for referring to McCain as a “professional victim”, but I stand by my assessment, even after his vote to save Obanacare, even after his death.


Canada’s trump losing his own seat. Oh Canada.

lol there is no way SNL has the chops to pull off an Aristocrats joke.


This is how they “respect the troops.” It’s all a fucking game to them.

Do you really wanna know?