The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Blatant pro-UK propaganda. The US had an independent judiciary as well. Our courts, up to and including the Supreme Court–are peopled by judges who take the rule of law as sacred and would never let things like party politics influence them, and our Department of Justice is explicitly independent of the Executive Branch. William Barr was chosen by Trump to head the DOJ because he is so scrupulously non-partisan. Why, he’s been said to literally put blinders on–like Lady Liberty herself–in the pursuit of Justice.


America continued to slumber.


It’s a much more ‘in house’ process over here whereby the courts themselves decide who to hire. Politicians don’t really get that much say at any level. There’s an independent commission comprised of current president and vp of the Supreme court who together with the heads of recruitment of the English, Scottish and Northern Irish courts (themselves independent bodies) forward a name to the Lord Chancellor (a political appointee). Before doing so they must hold a period of consultation with other senior judges as well as political figures such as the leader of the Scottish Parliament, Stormont, Welsh Assembly etc.

The Lord Chancellor is allowed one veto and one request for the commission to reconsider. After that he must forward the name to the prime minister who is also required by law to pass it to the Queen who rubber stamps it.

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Jesus man, put a sock in it.


Seriously, it’s Sunday. Man up and watch some football or stfu

This a guess but seems like a weirdo psycho thing to be true is that he’s never watched a sporting event from start to finish in his adult life, maybe ever. I’m not even sure if he has ever sat through a movie.

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I’m not trying to shit on your take but I feel like this is obvious. What could hold his attention that long? Literally nothing

A mirror

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He obviously just chain watches cable “news”. I seriously doubt there’s more to this person than that. Well I guess the golf.

Trump used to attend Yankee games with Rudy back in the 90’s.

There’s still no way he watched a sporting event from start to finish in his adult life.

Can’t remember, but I’ve seen in multiple places over the years that a big myth is that the Prez doesn’t pay for their own food and can do whatever they want.

This sounds dangerously close to him being ready to have it be back on again.

Mueller will save us tho

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I mean he’s not entirely mistaken in that anything he does at this point is just adding to the pile. May as well make as much money as possible in the meantime. It’s corrupt, but it’s been his life strategy his entire life. Why stop now?