The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I’m working on a new Trump animation and came across this old gem
( twitter | raw text )

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But her emails.


Trump blabbing on unsecured phones is the least surprising revelation I’ve ever heard.

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Every day, I thank the poker gods that Trump and his cronies are complete morons.

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Russia, if you’re listening…

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It’s Mueller time boys and girls.

It is not known whether the case was a referral or transfer from the special counsel’s office.

As of Thursday morning, the case, 19-cr-374, had not been made public on the court’s electronic filing system. Peter Carr, a DOJ spokesperson, said Wednesday that he didn’t have an explanation for the delay.

The Mueller report contained hints there was more to the story, noting that “Nader developed contacts with both U.S. presidential campaigns during the 2016 election, and kept Dimitriev abreast of his efforts to do so.”

Even while they illegally funneled cash to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Nader talked about the need to also cultivate then-candidate Donald Trump, reporting to the unnamed foreign official that he and his co-conspirators were developing a “constructive relationship with both camps,” according to the indictment. After the election, the indictment alleges, Allied Wallet illegally contributed $1 million to the Trump inauguration for VIP tickets, with Khawaja taking Nader and Rudy Dekermenjian, an attorney for Allied Wallet also charged in the indictment, as his guests.

After Hillary Clinton’s defeat in the Nov. 8 election, Nader and Khawaja’s network of straw donors allegedly shifted its focus, illegally contributing $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee, according to the indictment. Khawaja obtained tickets to Trump’s inauguration in return for the contribution, and brought Nader and another alleged co-conspirator as his guests.

After Trump took office, Nader reportedly used a top fundraiser for the Trump campaign, Elliott Broidy, to gain significant influence for the UAE in the White House, according to leaked emails. One of Broidy and Nader’s top agenda items was removing Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, a goal that they appeared to accomplish in March 2018.

The indictment does not name Bill or Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or any members of their campaigns, and it does not accuse any of them of wrongdoing. The indictment also does not directly allege that any of the illegal contributions were funded by foreign money. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are referred to as Candidate 1 and Candidate 2, respectively, in the indictment; Bill Clinton is referred to as Individual 1.


Saudi Arabia incoming

Nader is described by the Mueller report as a “senior advisor” to Mohammed bin Zayed, the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates. Nader has also reportedly held himself out as an intermediary for Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who shares a close relationship with bin Zayed.

I thought this part was funny, too

Asked whether they intend to return the allegedly unlawful contributions, representatives of the Clinton campaign, the DNC and Priorities USA — one of the Democratic fundraising committees involved — did not respond to a request for comment.

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Become the swamp! Drain the swamp I mean, drain the swamp!

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He definitely demanded custom bigger salt and pepper


With those hands you’d think he’d want the opposite.



Seems likely that Russia will attack the 2020 election from a completely different direction working to keep Trump in office. After re election they will press him with the massive amounts of materials they have gathered on him and turn the screws on him during his lame duck term.

I feel like the chances of keeping trump from getting re-elected is slipping away because the bi partisan effort of those in power are doing nothing to protect the integrity of our elections.


Van Drew can eat a thousand dicks and die. Throw this piece of shit out of the party like the Republicans did with Amash.


Am I the only one that feels like this is similar to Michael Avenatti and the stormy thing back then? Like tons of bullshit on twitter and then not actually have anything in the end? Like what is stopping Lev from actually talking like next week to House Dems?

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