The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

You guys who want dem seats replaced with republicans for the rest of your lives blows my mind at how dumb you all are.


NJ-2 has a Cook PVI of R+1. Trump won the district by 4 points in 2016. It’s not deep red. Van Drew can fuck off.

Do you think that Republicans are going to be impressed by his stance on impeachment? I can tell you that my Trumpy in-laws who live in that district aren’t going to vote for him next year.


Trump won his district by 4, and Van Drew won by 8 points in 2018. If this is political calculation, it’s utterly moronic. Does he think his light red district flipped 12 points to Democrats in 2018 because voters there really like Donald Trump? But otoh, this will keep him in good graces at Fox News, where he gets regular airtime to carry water for our corrupt rapist President.


I agree. I think ultimately there’s no there there.

Oh my god. The video is awful.


Whew! That was a close one.

They are same size. His hands, even in his lap, make them seem massive.

It’s just not the same without the audio. So now you just have to imagine “Send in the Clowns”.

How many clowns can you identify? If you can name 40 (I think there are 46 total) it might be time for you to take a break from politics.

( twitter | raw text )

Can we pause here for a second? This idea is batshit crazy and legitimately harmful to our democracy and yet it’s going to be glossed over by everyone because he says five ridiculous things an hour. Read this fucking message that he is mainlining straight into the veins of his followers.

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( twitter | raw text )

Many people are saying this is a fabulous tweet. Perfect.

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You would know about made up sources, John Miller.


Only person I didn’t know by name was Ukraine scumbag #2 (not Lev)


I mean, as a practical matter, if we are gonna have a DINO in the seat who is going to fuck us every time we need him, why not just have a Republican occupy the seat and not soak up precious DCCC resources defending it every two years?

In any case, I’m not exactly sure how primarying garbage members = turning the seat over to the GOP. That threat is precisely how the GOP keeps its members in line and it works like a fucking charm for them.


Yup. Having a seat is not winning. Having a person who votes for shit you want is winning. Only the voting matters, the name tag saying D or R not so much.


Still trying to rig 2020 in plain fucking sight and no one will do anything about it