The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

usually the parties strike a deal on length before hand but yeah there’s no reason for R’s to not agree and immediately reneg on that when it starts.

I can’t tell if he thinks these are related or if he’s just throwing shit out there.

My money is on just throwing shit out there.


Right. And more fundamentally, the fact that Roberts can be overruled gives Rs leverage in all of these preliminary negotiations. If there was more clarity that, say, in the absence of a Senste rule to the contrary, the trial had to be governed by federal rules of evidence, the Ds and the Rs would both understand what the rules would be if they couldn’t reach a negotiated agreement. But as things stand now, I think the Rs have more leverage because the rules are so ambiguous and, in many cases, subject to a majority vote without many other constraints.

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Is anyone even entertaining the notion that Trump will be removed by the Senate? Anyone?

If you’re suggesting we let Kanye preside as Chief Justice, I suggest you start a petition. I’ll be the first to sign.

Not unless the polls give them permission no. I’m quite certain that most of them would personally LOVE to vote to remove and take great satisfaction from it… but not for the right reasons or anything lol.

He’s made an awful lot of people on his own side eat shit every day for years at this point. They will never ever sacrifice anything to do it though, so honestly most of the scenarios where they vote to convict I’d probably wish that they wouldn’t for similarly selfish political reasons.

I’m reading that trump has 95% approval within the republican party. Some people are saying 98%, or even as high as 99%

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I’ll tell you after the UK elections, because we might not be special anymore…


Tbh… I genuinely think he has to be removed, because the evidence is too daming and it relates to foreign interference.

Whether that will happen is anyone’s guess… If he’s not removed then the damage will be irreparable.



Bye felica…

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I bet the over against @grue at 48.5 (47.5?) votes to convict and I think I might have been overly optimistic.


Send in the Clowns? Sinatra version or Krusty the Clown?

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Gotta be the latter


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