The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

“We had to change armed robbery to felon robbery with a handgun”.

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LOLOLOL yes. It’s like “Hold on, first you catch my client robbing the bank, then you come back and add murder in the first just because we gave you CCTV of him shooting someone? Is there even a body? Oh, so now you’ve found a body? Can you prove it was ever even alive?”

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The lawyers who produced the impeachment report are heroes and likely didn’t take Thanksgiving off. 300 page reports don’t write themselves.

The Mueller report was good but flawed and took two years. These guys put this together in 2 months.



Oh you sweet, summer child.

Narrator: It was, in fact, enough people.

I mean I know your right, really you are, but these Bombs just keep dropping.

I know… :pensive:

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Right about now would be a good time to have a real attorney general.


The obv nine who voted against:

Devin Nunes
Mike Conaway
Michael Turner
Brad Wenstrup
Chris Stewart
Rick Crawford
Elise Stefanik
Will Hurd
John Ratcliffe

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Break up the unitary executive by having a separate election for attorney general, like in many states, instead of having one appointed by the president.

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All the world leaders laughing at america to trigger the libs


This always drives me crazy:

  1. Parnas’s lawyer tells CNN that Parnas is willing to tell Congress that Nunes went to Vienna to meet with Shokin to dig up dirt on Joe Biden (11/23)

  2. The headline and story seem completely reasonable and factually indisputable: “Exclusive: Giuliani associate willing to tell Congress Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Biden”. Note that CNN doesn’t say Nunes went to Vienna, just that Parnas says he did.

  3. Nunes doesn’t deny it in the story (“I don’t answer questions from fake-news CNN”) and doesn’t deny it when he goes on Maria Bartiromo the next day (“I really want to answer all these questions, but…”) but threatens to sue CNN and the DailyBeast anyway.

  4. Today, Nunes sues CNN for $435 million

The lawsuit intro is hilarious (“CNN is the mother of fake news”). But its entire premise seems to be that CNN reported that Nunes actually went to Vienna and met with Shokin, which is not what the story said.

This gets laughed out of court, right?

tRUmp donor and convicted pedophile busted for funneling donations to… Hillary Clinton?

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She’s running

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Yes, Nunes is working with some previously suspended hack to file nuseiance suits.

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tick tock
tick tock