The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

This week’s lawbro hearings should settle the matter

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It’s not exactly clear that high turnout hurts Trump in the rust belt states, the states most likely to decide the election.

This is from Nov 30, but I was curious to see what spin Nunes was putting out given he knows what’s coming out about him.

During the Nixon impeachment hearings, you had an actual break in. You knew what the crime was.

During the Clinton impeachment, he lied to a grand jury.

During these two weeks, we were able to expose is that, not only did they not have a quid pro quo, they had to change quid pro quo to bribery.

was%20there%20a%20quid%20pro%20quo Yes


Are you making these yourself? I tried to find a click button way to merge two animated gifs but couldn’t, have to expand canvas and then basically paste 100 layers with gifs on the left into 100 layers with gifs on the right or something?

Ah Jesus Christ never mind, you just post them next to each other, I did figure that part out last time.


o k b
( twitter | raw text )

OMFG lol smrk :stuck_out_tongue:

If you ever struggle to assemble gifs natively, has a number of excellent online tools, including one to merge two gifs side by side.

(as well as text overlay, speeding up/cutting out frames, overlaying images on top of your gif and more, really great site)

I used this for one of my earlier gifs today where I actually did merge it into a single side-by-side image, but I didn’t do that this time because it made the file size so large that it won’t display on the forum without a clickthrough.

So is lewandoski just gonna gloat every time someone drops out like that’s a trump victory or something, like it won’t end up with all of them dropping out?

Future tweet 8 months later : wow 15 of 16 democratic challengers dropped out, really shows you how hard it is…


I was using giphy .com a lot and it was pretty awesome, worked well with youtube clips; but they want an email sign in now, fuck that noise

Interesting interesting. I tried Giphy but really didn’t like their interface. Guess it’s all for the best now.


can you do cuts from youtube on ezgif?
( twitter | raw text )

Sort of. You can’t paste the direct link to a YouTube video. Works best if you can upload as an MP4, WebM, AVI, MPEG, FLV, MOV, 3GP. So a quick workaround is to use OnlineVideoConverter to get the MP4, then upload that to EZGif.

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The thing for me about Trump’s addiction to validation is how ridiculous he needs the praise to be. For me, someone saying things “RiskyFlush has never made a mistake and is the greatest of all time” would at least make me uncomfortable. There’s no way a person can mean that and still have a grip on reality, but for him, anything less has missed the power of his glory.


The President of the United States just retweeted someone named…checks notes…Majesty81empire.

What a time to be alive.


If they have the phone records, why didn’t the Democrats find a way to get a witness up there during the public hearings and just read out and list out all the phone calls between the people doing the crimes. Nobody is going to know about it now.