The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Are the people hate him willing to go as far in their hate for Trump as the people who love him are willing to go in their love for Trump? I don’t think that it is a slam-dunk guaranteed victory for Democrats in 2020 so long as the answer to that question isn’t a resounding “yes”.

I think the total quantity of haters vs lovers is more important than the quality of that love/hate.

Yeah, the turnout for tRUmp is capped. Every backwood racist redneck already came out in 2016, while plenty of Obama voters stayed home. We’ve seen record levels set in recent off year elections and turnout in 2020 will be off the charts if they are any indication. Of course we are still drawing live to outright vote manipulation and fraud, so we have that to fade.


Well, the last set of elections seemed to indicate that the hate was strong enough. The last three candidates that Trump strongly endorsed all lost. He’s become a festering turd in the political punchbowl for a bunch of candidates. And a lot of his true believers are showing cracks around the edges…


His approval rating has stayed pretty consistent. It’s not good, but it might be good enough to beat Biden.

Not just this. There’s a weird double-think where the more angry and exasperated opponents are, the more it proves they’re crazy and unfit. And yet the more angry and exasperated Trump is, the more it proves he’s being unfairly maligned.

I’m actually noticing more “I didn’t vote for the dotard in 2016, but I’m all in now” people. Granted, 99.9% of these people did vote for him in 16 and are lying about not having done so, but I have 3 unrelated anecdotal stories of formerly shy deplorables coming out of the closet this year (all 55+ male white, white collar boomers ldo).

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Are we able to isolate the population ratios for how many projected active voters still support him vs total active voters? That number has to be getting shockingly low if charted, no? I mean I once presented a study for pop culture nerds who gave me oooos and ahhhs when I claimed 66% of researched content did x/y/z, but then they found out it was a sample size of six out of millions LOL.

I have seen zero good faith people that I actually believe are telling the truth to be new Trump voters in 2020 vs 2016.

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Turnout is partly a measure of intensity of love/hate. People can hate Trump, but not hate him so much that they would push through every attempt at voter disenfranchisement purely out of spite, even if the Dems nominate a horrible candidate. We want people to hate him so much that they would crawl over broken glass, that they would literally fight anyone who tries to stand between them and the ballot box if necessary. I think Democrats have usually been afraid to rile people up that much, which is why they underperform at the polls.



Nice thread:


So if this report is such a slam-dunk indictment, maybe we don’t need the law professors to come in tomorrow and tell the House what an impeachable offense is? We could just skip that part.


He just wants to do another “DJIA over 25k! Thanks, working hard!” tweet.


I hope you’re right. I am worried that the Dems will screw it up in a way that creates conditions for him to win again, like a terrible candidate or if Sanders wins the nom then the “centrist” billionaires will intentionally run as spoiler candidates so that Sanders doesn’t “ruin America”.

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Let’s live in La La Land for five seconds and pretend this is Schiff dunking on Trump. Impeachment is so certain that he can drone on about the legal implications of watching paint dry.

Just five seconds. You know you want to.
