The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

That clip is legitimately alarming. The dude is losing it, and fast.


Wtf man

Yeah… that dude is not going to be as good at running for president as he was in 2016.


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To be fair, two silly-named Johnsons is a lot for anybody to keep track of.

Also, is it sad that I recognize the voice of the reporter asking the question? I think it’s Philip Rucker of the Post


More diversion tactics I’d say…

Ray Jay Johnson?


Nunes: RUH ROH


This is AOL level grifting.


Isn’t it more likely that Kelly has been given control of her husband’s account when it comes to the Trump posts?

She’s vile but that on its own might not prevent her from realising Trump is unhinged and dangerous and, probably most important to her, impossible to work for.

Was the Prime Minister part that was more of a giveaway. Although expecting trump to know difference between ambassador and prime minister is a bridge too far. 98% trump thinks we have American prime ministers.

-1 refers to the WH

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Wonder who “-1” is.

Edit: my pony is -2.


As reflected in Mr. Cipollone’s letter, President Trump directed government witnesses to violate their legal obligations and defy House subpoenas—regardless of their offices or positions. President Trump even extended his order to former officials no longer employed by the federal government. This Administration-wide effort to prevent all witnesses from providing testimony was coordinated and comprehensive.

At President Trump’s direction, twelve current or former Administration officials refused to testify as part of the House’s impeachment inquiry, ten of whom did so in defiance of duly authorized subpoenas:

  • Mick Mulvaney, Acting White House Chief of Staff
  • Robert B. Blair, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff
  • Ambassador John Bolton, Former National Security Advisor
  • John A. Eisenberg, Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs and Legal Advisor, >National Security Council
  • Michael Ellis, Senior Associate Counsel to the President and Deputy Legal Advisor, National Security >Council
  • Preston Wells Griffith, Senior Director for International Energy and Environment, National Security Council
  • Dr. Charles M. Kupperman, Former Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, >National Security Council
  • Russell T. Vought, Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget
  • Michael Duffey, Associate Director for National Security Programs, Office of Management and Budget
  • Brian McCormack, Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy, and Science, Office of Management and Budget
  • T. Ulrich Brechbuhl, Counselor, Department of State
  • Secretary Rick Perry, Department of Energy


Obstructing justice: 12
Consequences: 0

I want to know who’s the boss at the OMB… If its Micky Mulvy I’m outa here

Yeah, but he doesn’t have to be. It’s a cult now, they will pretend he’s doing great. In fact, the more angry and exasperated normal people become about it, the more his cult followers will rally behind him for owning the libs.


He won a low turnout election in 2016 where all the current cult members voted. He’s going to have a very rough time winning 2020 with just the cultists. It’s not enough people. In fact it’s not close to enough people. Not doubting their devotion… but does anyone think that the people who hate him hate him less than the people who love him love him?

Like if there was a cult whose only tenet was that we all hated Donald Trump more than any other person on earth I’d join it… and I have a lot of hate to give.


Mick Mulvaney is the current director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). He was nominated to the post by President Donald J. Trump in December 2016 and confirmed by the Senate on February 16, 2017.