The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

The Senate will never convict him. The only question is how many people go down for him and whether or not he resigns in embarrassment.

resigns in embarrassment? are we even talking about the same person?


I would probably be more concerned if the other world leaders weren’t laughing at us based on our current state of affairs.

Time for that EU army with and an independent of the US nuclear umbrella for Europe imo.

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They’re high on their own supply. Like, many Republican members of Congress believe their own made up conspiracy theory 100%.

I know of at least two people who didn’t vote for him in 2016, considered themselves Never Trumpers, hate him and are considering voting for him in 2020. Rich old white guys, obviously.

If we take a moment to entertain the possibility that the Dems are competent. I know, I know. But maybe there’s a chance they’re saving this to be the Senate trial bombshell? Or perhaps, in case someone didn’t violate their subpoena, they wanted to have it as a “gotcha” if they lied?

I lost a lot of respect for this jackass the last few weeks. I used to think he was one of the few remaining reasonable ones. Someone call me a sweet summer child.

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I think if the news (particularly Fox) ran this story about him being laughed at and similar stories non-stop he would last about 3 months. He genuinely believes he like some mega-genius and is probably programmed to filter out all negative feedback. He believes the sycophants, is the most simple explanation of why he posts 3x a day about how he is the best president ever. Almost all of the people who have gotten fired by him have done so because they didn’t kiss his ass. Everytime he is in public he says positive things about people he perceives as ‘on his team.’ The first step in loyalty to him publicly declaring that everything is wonderful and perfect. The critics are all haters and on a witchhunt. He’s totally disconnected from reality.

Remember when he got booed last month, was totally quiet on twitter for like a day then moved to Florida? Non-zero chance he nukes Europe next week because its a terrible continent that’s not really relevant to the world any more. Also LOL that he gave Boris the kiss of death in his tweet. I’m sure that’s exactly what Boris wanted a week before his election.




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tRUmp really is a 12 yr old girl.


Or just don’t have a unitary executive at all.

Imagine there’s no President
It’s easy if you try

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40% of the population has built a movement around triggering the libs… with this man as their alpha male of choice, literally the most triggerable man in America.


Triggered libs vote. This is why the GOP leadership didn’t go whole hog on it before Trump.

LOL what a snowflake. Probably will need to have a few of his safe space rallies to recover from this.

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Bot missed the first two.

I’m sorry, but its nowhere close to 40% of the population.

40% of expected voters translates roughly to 20% of the entire country.


Which is exactly why triggering libs (many of whom secretly never bother to vote) is such a bad strategy. The GOP strat has always been giving the base just enough red meat to turn out. It turns out being loved more than necessary to get a voter to pull the lever for you is fucking pointless. Particularly when you have infinite cash and don’t really need volunteers.

Melania veto incoming. Ivanka veto incoming.

Caption competition time!