The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I’m really not sure what you think I’m saying, but I’m pretty sure we’re not on the same page.

“Golfing with them etc”

Can you expand on this, because it sounds a lot like the debunked GOP talking point.


Fiona Hill testified that Ukraine was at the centre of why the Russians acted the way they did in 2016, its a long and scary story and includes the whole Russian operations of trying to get the sanctions lifted. Its there main goal.

Atm you are parroting a Paul Manafort conspiracy theory parroted by Rudy.

At $50k a month for the security of the Ukrainian gas money is indeed quite cheap and Infact done its job by the gas company remaining in Ukrainian hands.

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Re: golf:

And I’m saying it does take (In Russia) and surrounding country’s that Infact you do need a well connected politician. Otherwise your family is at risk, I believe.

I remember the “golfing” picture which was a picture of Hunter Biden’s business partner in the US playing golf with the Biden’s. The GOP claim was he was buddy buddy with Ukrainians even though the guy was and is an American and has known the Bidens forever.


I’m asking this sort of seriously, even though I know a perfect answer is impossible, but here we go. The president has a lot of power to affect foreign and domestic policy. The president also has family members. Those family members will presumably have jobs. To what steps should a president be required to go to avoid the appearance of impropriety? Should their immediate family not be allowed to hold jobs in any industry or country the president has influence? (impossible). Should there be some method for the president to recuse himself from doing anything that could be perceived as affecting an industry his family is involved in? How close of a family member must someone be before this becomes an issue?

It seems impossible to quantify. You can say that the VPs son can’t work on a board of an international firm, but that’s pretty reactive. His political opponents could just find some other connection to draw and throw a shit fit about. It’s another version of “the right is going to call you a marxist no matter what, so don’t worry about how they are going to spin it.” Meanwhile we have the presidents daughter and son-in-law conducting foreign policy while doing international business and their only relevant experience is being trust fund babies. It’s ridiculous.


Yeah that’s it. That Ukrainian gas executive is long time Hunter Biden business partner and is an American.

Not sure why you are hardcore pushing the direct GOP/ FOX talking points on the Biden’s. It is weird.

Lots of us don’t want Biden to be the democratic nominee but would never tow the made up republican nonsense against him. I am just having a hard time understanding where you are coming from with this.

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Sitting back and keeping quiet had already proven to be a failed strategy. The 2016 election is over, the Mueller investigation has concluded, the affair has been revealed and the text messages have been released, and he still keeps coming after her via random tweets and at rallies whenever he feels like it. Even if this increases the attacks, at least this way she gets to feel like she has some agency in all of these crazy events instead of just having to live in passive fear of Executive Time. It’s an ugly tradeoff, but the interview made it clear that she just became convinced that the abuse was never going to stop so she needed to at least try to do something that put a tiny bit of control into her own hands.


I was glad that Fox News is suggesting that Giuliani should be binned. Their criticism of Biden has more than no merit. It wasn’t my exact opinion but I am glad to hear them say it.
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Sorry if I came of harsh there, I didn’t mean to…

I hear what your saying and believe in general your point is correct, that all senior politicians should Infact be scrutinised more.

Light favours are a problem everywhere but is Infact so hard to stop in practice.

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This is a total Daily Mail headline

The bank manager has to want to do the right thing, give me all the money, or else my associates at his residence will eliminate his wife and children.

But he has to want to release the money into my possession, no pressure.

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Trump will just pivot to “he should be grateful we’re giving him money, why should the US pay in the first place” and zero shits will be given by anyone.

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I think it doesn’t matter. The people who are attacking her are all in the cult and she can’t get through to the cult.

In that case, I guess she made an informed decision on it and hopefully it works out better for her to make that tradeoff.

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It sure is nice of the Democrats to move the process slowly enough to give Trump plenty of time to spin up a good narrative for himself by throwing a bunch of shit at the wall to see what sticks. Thank goodness they didn’t speed the thing up and have the vote already. I don’t know what we’d do without hearing him whine about the process for a few more weeks, while making up juuuuust enough bullshit to sow doubt amongst low info Americans.

Great job, Democrats. Keep doing you!

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Mixed feelings about this. I think ANYTHING that drives Trump out of his fucking mind is a good thing. He’s keeps stepping on his dick over and over, and maybe more importantly keeps him from focusing on anything else - which is probably a good thing as pretty much anything he decides to do I’d be against. But there probably comes a point where it becomes counterproductive, and we may be getting there.