The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Nun, please come back! :pray:t3:


It’s a tough call. On any normal person to person level, I’d usually say it’s not worth the tradeoff. It’s better to just ignore them. To fight them is to encourage them.

But when it’s the POTUS? Yeah, I could see myself reaching a point where I accept the attacks are never going to stop as long as he is president. I could see myself accepting that as long as he is president, this will remain a huge part of my life, so I have to decide whether it will be in my life on my terms or his.


Re Page: I think you also might reach the point where you realize that the people who are supposed to stop him either can’t or won’t. In any normal world, higher level folks at the White House, the DOJ, the FBI and even in Congress should have had the power to step in and tell him to knock it off. When it becomes clear that those institutions are not defending you publicly, and, in fact, are working against you, at some point the natural reaction is to call up a reporter and say, “yo, fuck this guy” even if you know that it’s going to bring some more heat your way.

( twitter | raw text )

This… :point_up_2:

Hopefully some peeps are in her corner.

Big day for #teamlawbro. I’ll be preparing my popcorn with an extra dollop of justice.


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I appreciate the GOP publishing an official record of their planned defense.

Laura Cooper, a Pentagon official responsible for overseeing the Defense Department’s portion of the aid package, testified that officials from the Ukrainian embassy were asking about the military aid weeks before it emerged publicly. The Republicans, however, say her testimony did not establish that senior Ukrainian officials knew about the delay before it was reported.

Perhaps I’m ignorant about how such a defense normally plays out in court, but I would have thought the first step to proving a superior knew about something was by showing the subordinates also knew.

Yet here, the GOP is saying that if we can’t establish that people they identify as “senior” officials knew, we should treat the whole thing as though nobody knew.

This is so stupid, but it’s been Trump’s defense ad nauseam, and the weird thing is it’s worked so far lol.

The Republicans rely heavily on the White House summary of the call

Hey that’s nice. CNN is now referring to it as “the White House summary of the call” instead of a transcript.

Publicly available — and irrefutable — evidence shows how senior Ukrainian government officials sought to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election in opposition to President Trump’s candidacy, and that some in the Ukrainian embassy in Washington worked with a Democrat operative to achieve that goal

I’m pretty curious to see what the GOP presents as publicly available and irrefutable evidence. So far, “claims of Ukranian meddling constitute” what Fiona Hill testified as “a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves.”


Jesus, in any normal relationship snark like this would be instant sleep-on-the-couch-for-a-week material.

It’s gotta be all for show.


It’s been going on too long to be anything else. This is them hedging their bets hard. Probably both sociopaths honestly.

If I called my wife out like that in public… yeah I don’t know. I wouldn’t? We’d definitely be in major fight territory if either one of us did it to the other where everyone we knew could see.

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This law thing today is so infuriating, and has reinforced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the dems are clueless.

All it does is allow a bunch of headlines questioning whether what they are doing is legal, plus a bunch of personal attacks on the uberlawbros

It’s a backwards step in the court of public opinion, and anyone who actually cares about the law is already on side.



I go back and forth on whether the Democrats are idiots or actively complicit.

I know. Why can’t it be both.

Not shutting down absolutely everything when Merrick Garland happened really, really points toward actively complicit.

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Honestly I would be totally fine to be completely unaware of George Conway and his performance art at this point.


It absolutely is both. Would be hard to go to those swanky parties in Martha’s vineyard if you were undercutting the hosts’ livelihood. Which just happens to be stealing every last penny from the working class.

Some people do heroin. Others verbally thrash each other publicly for impossibly conflicted political positions.


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Does Jay Powell have a twitter account? I really want him to start subtweeting Trump if so.