The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

He’s literally thanking the few people I know who’ve stood up for him recently, all to their own disgrace. He seems to be running low on surrogates.

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Sounds about right.


ah yes - 3 decades ago

…It was on 9 November 1989, five days after half a million people gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest, that the Berlin Wall dividing communist East Germany from West Germany crumbled

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This guy wraps his underbussing of Giuliani in a bunch of bullshit, but he goes hard enough at Giuliani that it seems he’s now persona non grata.

All done in ballpoint

When the talking points fail to converge with reality.
From Nathan Gonzales in Roll Call

“With a combination of Republicans’ self-inflicted wounds, slow recruiting, or suburbs continuing to shift against the president, Democratic chances of winning improved in a dozen House races in recent weeks. Those rating changes include:”

Arizona’s 6th (David Schweikert, R) Solid Republican to Likely Republican
California’s 25th (Vacant, D) Likely Democratic to Solid Democratic
Illinois’ 6th (Sean Casten, D) Lean Democratic to Likely Democratic
Illinois’ 13th (Rodney Davis, R) Tilt Republican to Toss-up
Iowa’s 2nd (Open; Dave Loebsack, D) Toss-up to Tilt Democratic
Iowa’s 4th (Steve King, R) Lean Republican to Tilt Republican
Michigan’s 8th (Elissa Slotkin, D) Tilt Democratic to Lean Democratic
Michigan’s 11th (Haley Stevens, D) Lean Democratic to Likely Democratic
Minnesota’s 1st (Jim Hagedorn, R) Lean Republican to Tilt Republican
Minnesota’s 2nd (Angie Craig, DFL) Lean Democratic to Likely Democratic
New Hampshire’s 1st (Chris Pappas, D) Lean Democratic to Likely Democratic
Virginia’s 2nd (Elaine Luria, D) Tilt Democratic to Lean Democratic

I watched a number of sunday shows and clips, and the GOP flunkies, following Trump, are all claiming impeachment is hurting dems. This is one of the few actual data points i’ve seen on the issue (other than polls showing 50% favor impeachment and removal, which is higher than Nixon). Note that a lot of “both sides” mainstream journalists are parroting the false GOP talking point.

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Clearly there is not a fox host that could chain together 2 minutes of words where I agreed with every one. That said, I pretty much agree that both Biden and Guiliani are toxic. Certainly Trump is as well, but Biden and Guiliani are at the heart of this disaster.

Biden isn’t toxic in any way. His only (or his main, depending on your politics) problem is that he’s too old and is literally on a glide path to senility.

This makes no sense to me unless Fox is your main news source.

I’m pretty sure that the incident in Ukraine is not an isolated event. Pretty sure there were similar smaller scandals related to bankruptcy reform and similar involving Biden family members. If such practices were made illegal, we would all be the better (except politican’s family members of course).

There is no (Joe) Biden Ukraine scandal. He pushed them to fire the corrupt prosecutor who everyone wanted fired because he was not, among other things, investigating oligarchs associated with Ukrainian oil. You are pushing a bullshit Trump talking point.

As far as doing the business of Delaware banks while being a senator for Delaware, welcome to Congress.


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Negative. The appearance of conflict of interest is enough. Jimmy C sold his peanut farm to take the greatest office in the land. Was there a concern that he might propup the peanut market? One cannot exist without drinking water but the mayor of a city effectively manages the utilities in it. Should a mayor live outside of a city?

Where things get twisted is when you are getting a 0% interest $0 downpayment mortgage with subpar credit. Its somewhat nebulous what is and isn’t a conflict of interest or clearly below market deal, but it doesn’t take that much critical thinking to tell the difference. I believe you can figure it out!

In this case I think your totally wrong and are looking at it as if everything in Ukraine was A OK, when Infact at the time the country had a significant Russian Mafia presence which was after the gas company.

Now I forget the Ukrainian owner of said company who is totally legit and he wanted an American on the board for security reasons.

Just by being an American who is connected to the. GOV was an important security factor that you just don’t realise.

This ain’t America or Europe. Ukraine needed our help in more ways than you atm seem to realise.

The DOJ IG report is being released in a week so Trump would be bringing her up to shit on her anyway when the DEEP STATE covers up her plot to overthrow him, it was smart of her to get ahead of it and call him a piece of shit publicly.
I’m shocked! (ie, not even a little bit surprised.)


My position is not that the USA should not help Ukraine. My position is that it has an appearance of impropriety to have a son making $50k/month as BoD for a foreign oil company while managing the relationship of the country that the oil company exists in. Golfing with them etc. It all looks terrible and shows poor judgment.

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We all know it looks bad. We also know that people testified in the impeachment hearings that Biden helped force out the corrupt prosecutor who was not going after Burisma hard enough, with the full support of the EU and Congress.

Amazing. I’m not sure if the best part of this story is that he legally used 2x the amount that he embezzled in legal fees to defend himself from the accusation or that he over drafted 1,100x. Can you imagine what the per transaction would need to be to match the median income of his district. At $28/over draft that’s close to a poor person’s full time wage.

The couple’s joint bank account was overdrawn more than 1,100 times over the six-plus years of records examined by prosecutors and the couple racked up some $36,000 in overdraft penalties — fees they paid using campaign funds, the indictment stated.

Text messages included in court files show that at one point Margaret advised her husband to use the campaign credit card to buy a pair of Hawaiian shorts he wanted but could not afford — and to tell his then-treasurer that the purchase was in order to assist wounded warriors.

Since investigations into his campaign spending started in mid-2016, Hunter has spent more than $800,000 on attorneys, including several for his criminal defense, according to his campaign filings.

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No it doesn’t, Infact it shows trust when the Owner of said company has the backing of Ukrainian people, he is trusted fully by them and helped bring in the new regime.

Once Ukraine is able to stand on its own 2 feet then I would agree with you.

At that time the whole of Europe was behind the decision or certainly didn’t appose it, because a US citizen just would not be sufficient.

These are Russian Mafia in what they believe to be Russian territory which they believe should have never been allowed to be a country on its own.

And and prepared to attack not only Europe over it but installed DJT because of it.

I’ll repeat you do not know how serious the Russians take the separating of Ukraine.