The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Don’t you all have those massive 4 door american fridges? Get one of each ffs. Shit tbat like this is the one perk of living in this end-stage capitalism dystopia.


I don’t. Regular peanut butter doesn’t go in the fridge. Some of the fancy kinds do I think.


All things Trump are very quiet. Hopefully he’s having another physical.


So you have literally the rest of your house to store it in and you cant find space for two concurrent jars of pb? You are not living your best life.


Yeah, what the hell is this PB in the fridge crap? That’s crazy talk.


I keep my peanut butter in the fridge next to bananas and pickled grapes/olives

PB should be stored next to bananas, on the mantle above the fireplace.

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I’m open to persuasion. My sense of to fridge or not to fridge came from growing up in the tropics. Pretty much everything got fridged unless it was in a can.

I was gonna say, that only makes sense if you grew up in a desert, but tropics is probably even more appropriate for fridge storage. But if you’re in the tropics i dunno if bananas go inside or outside the fridge. Probably just leave em on the tree.



Inside. Same with eggs.

You will rip even the heartiest, whole-grain wheat bread asunder with cold peanut butter.

Edit, also it doesn’t require refrigeration so you can fit another jar of mayo that went bad 2 months ago in the fridge.

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Now I feel like an imposter. I only use PB for cooking, not sandwiches.

I’ll see myself out.

Oh please don’t. Inquiring minds want to know what can be cooked with peanut butter. Cakes, candy and pies I guess?


Dishes such as the West African maafe or the Filipino kare-kare. You can use peanut butter to make a sauce like satay. There are recipes for using actual peanuts, but it’s convenient to use peanut butter.

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Hell yeah. Google African peanut stews and prepare to have your mind blown.

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I was raised on Jif and Welchs grape jelly on Wonderbread. A real capitalists sandwich in USA #1.