The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Tbh we had our reasons for carrying a bottle around with us as kids… :rofl:


I like a nice grape or orange soda from time to time


One point in college I wondered why I was drinking that garbage and never looked back.

Sugary soda is awesome, so sayath the market. You guys are just freaks. I don’t buy it from the store, but I’d like to.

I get 5 gallon water delivery, and a slice of squeezed lemon in 24 oz of cold water is solid.

On the bright side, these are the most innocent derails I’ve ever seen

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I drink hot caffeine in the morning and cold caffeine the rest of the day. There have been long stretches of time when I didn’t have anything else to drink. Agree that non-diet Coke and Pepsi are way too sweet but the diet versions are just fine.

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My go-to drink at home is a shot of orange juice mixed with lime seltzer.

I’m drinking one right now.

Is it always orange juice or only when you run out of coconut?


Yeah seltzer is my go-to at home, more interesting than water and something I can never get sick of. Of course now I’m told it’s also bad for me and the acidity due to being highly carbonated is dissolving my teeth or something, to which I say fuck you and stop making me feel bad.

On occasion I will enjoy a bottle of authentic Mexican Coca-Cola made with actual sugar and I always feel like I’m enjoying a very fancy-pants experience.


Ahh the Lucozade days… That was us too :grinning::man_dancing:


I occasionally partake in Mexican Coke when I’m driving across state and stop at a taco truck and I don’t have a bottle of water with me.

Every few years during the holidays I do drink a bottle or two of the best soda:


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Try Thums Up imo. It’s like a spicy / complex / interesting version of Coke with cane sugar and perfect amount of carbonation.

I drink a gallon and a half of milk every week. Come at me.

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Raw or pasteurized?

Milk is delicious and I’ve never stopped drinking it (I’m 39). I was a 2% fan prior to marriage and my wife was skim. We compromised on 1%.

I don’t think I’ve ever had unpasteurized milk. I grew up drinking skim but switched to 1% in my 20s since skim tastes like milky water.

Edit: I also like PB&J sandwiches because I am a 52yo man-child.

I used to drink a lot of milk till I moved from the UK to France and most of the milk here tastes awful. They barely do fresh milk, in fact, a lot of folk here just have the long life stuff. Have just about got used to the local variety in tea - which is what I drink if not water now - but can’t stand a glass of the stuff.

I can actually get raw milk from a local cheese shop, it’s lovely but it feels too decadent and half the time I go they don’t have it. It also goes off so fast it feels dangerous pouring without smelling first.