The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Yeah that too. But i was just meaning the amount of calories and gobs of sugar in the food.

Oh yeah - We used to go to the Cheesecake Factory from time to time - I made the mistake of looking at the calorie/sugar numbers for the vast majority of their entrees - enough to feed a family of four with leftovers.



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As a child , my Mum would wake me every morning and hand me a can of soda.

I am 53 and soda is my last remaining addiction.

Having a DR. PEPPER atm.

Just cant seem to kick them.


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That’s the weirdest thing I’ve heard today and I just saw a story about a man with a narwhal tusk fighting a terrorist in London.


This is interesting, because I’ve often wondered if you could train kids to eat their veggies by slathering them in sauces and such, then slowly reducing the amount of sauce.

I think this is how I came to ear vegetables all the time. As a kid I would only eat drenched vegetables until eventually I would just eat them plain. Of course there could be other factors as well but I do think it got me used to some of the textures and tastes even if covered with cheese sauce etc.

I hear you :+1:

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You guys are weird I’m almost positive I could not actually finish a 12 oz can of Coke with full sugar/HFCS. Disgusting.


Same for my. Never drank it as a kid because it burned my throat. I probably drink less than 5 a year, if that.

I had my share of soda as a kid but nothing crazy, mostly something I’d have when I was out. Switched to diet in my late teens, it really doesn’t take long to go from “this shit tastes weird” to “this is the default taste” and then regular soda tastes gross. I know it’s also not the best thing for you, but whatever issues aspartame has don’t compare to mainlining pure sugar.

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Same. Occasionally I buy some fancy soda. It takes me 3-4 days to finish one bottle because having more than a few sips of sugary liquid is gross to me. I can feel the immediate effect if I drink too much of it.

Water is a thing. Just in case people ever want to stay hydrated without a bunch of nonsense.


Agree that cans of “soda” (we call it “pop” over here) are disgusting. With one exception: a can of Dandelion & Burdock is absolutely GOAT when you’re eating fish and chips.



Water? Like out of the toilet?


This is absolutely acceptable along with…

For the best hangover cure in da world.

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Is what I wash down my chippy with nowadays :grinning: we just discovered it up here… :rofl:


It’s got to be cold though… And the original

No-one can refute is was our national drink… :beers:

I used to live in Scotland and drank gallons of it. Doesn’t seem right elsewhere, though.

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