The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

building a scif at mar-a-lago where tons of undocumented workers and human traffickers carrying suspicious usb drives are constantly milling around is impeachable. saying you want to promote yet another one of your businesses isn’t any more impeachable than that commercial he just gave. 50 rooms! close to the airport! 5 star golfing! great place to host any event! available now!

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Free rats, roaches, and bed bugs!


They aren’t writing an article about emoluments he’s actually receiving from foreign governments staying at his properties, some even renting out rooms that were never occupied, I doubt very highly they write one over an announcement of a location that he would have benefited from but ultimately didn’t.

This is downside. He managed to get millions in free advertising. I like that he was willing to do it for no profit (lol who would decide that) or no cost just so his flea bag motel could get tens of millions in free global advertising.

But what if they were writing an emoluments article about that?

He definitely got a lot of republican resistance behind the scenes. Every off record story indicated this was something they actually got upset about. Bunch of ghouls.

I had forgotten all about all the Mar A Lago stuff.

I thought about starting a thread the other day, but I think we’re too jaded to come up with a good list… Of the top X (20? 50? 100?) presidential scandals of the past Y years (since Nixon?) how many of those are Trump’s?

20/50/100, respectively


Every interview I’ve seen from Dem leadership they seemed adamant they were focused solely on the Ukraine Affair. No emoluments, no obstruction of Mueller. They want to keep it streamlined and not seem overreaching.

Should they? Could they? Up for debate.

I think it’s terrible.

A) emoluments seems a bigger and more persistent issue, and easier to prove.
B) do your damn job
C) Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

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There’s been just a slew of pinheaded decisions lately. Thinking that the G-7 at Doral would be totally okay is bonkers. So was releasing the summary of the phone call with the Ukraine President. So was Mulvaney fessing up to quid pro quos. Not to mention the pullout from Syria…and the God-awful spin about how happy the Kurds are now. I mean, its been nuts the whole time, but lately there are no guardrails, at all.


That is an incredible thread. Beyond fascinating to follow the timeline and his analysis both in real time and hindsight.

FYI, this is another Twitter thread where for some reason, the tweets show up as unavailable/deleted when I click through, but if I go to his timeline, everything is still there.

Just in case you’re like me and first think wtf I wanted to read that one. You can!

This thread of his maybe gave me a glimpse into why Olds get addicted to Fox. Every single tweet in this thread is the emotional equivalent of personally kicking Trump in the nuts.
( twitter | raw text )

This is probably where they put together a fake ass panel to choose the G7 site and appear to have a fair selection process. And then they choose Doral anyway. And Trump takes to Twitter to say SEE I TOLD YOU DORAL WAS AMAZING AND I WAS JUST TRYING TO DO THE WORLD A FAVOR. SUCK IT LIBS.

And Romney holds a presser complimenting the selection process this time around.

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I’m not convinced they’re not misdirecting. Nadler’s been working nearly a month without anyone knowing what they’re doing. All eyes are on Schiff. They’re for sure introducing articles on the Ukraine scandal, and any the rest of the House don’t think apply won’t pass. I think there were 5 or 6 on Nixon. Only 3 passed.

He’ll lose the House vote on the same three as Nixon, so I’d be pretty surprised if they don’t go with a minimum of 5 for Ukraine because all three of the Nixon ones now apply to the Ukraine scandal now that he’s completely obstructed, abused his power on, and had massive Contempt of Congress (the things he’s said about Schiff are unreal). He committed a crime on the phone call related to elections, tried to cover up the phone call, and actually extorted Zelensky. That’s 6 articles of impeachment right there, and no one should be able to deny on the Democratic side of the House that he didn’t do all three of those Nixon articles on this. The Syria thing could also end up as one, because he did that without consulting Congress.

I don’t know what they’re introducing, but they’ll be putting a few in to give cover that won’t pass the full House, and then ones that are really really hard for the House not to pass and will make it ‘hard’ (lol) for the Senate to not convict. There will probably be one in there the Senate won’t feel bad about convicting on if that happens (lol).


Trump wouldn’t even have been facing impeachment yet if his dumb and incompetent acting DNI hadn’t totally screwed the pooch on the WB complaint. We should not know anything about what went on in Ukraine, because that’s a secret intelligence committee matter. He opened up that can of worms, and everyone’s been tripping on the worms since.

I’ve seen movement on this toward broadening. See what’s said tomorrow on the Sunday shows.

Thing is there’s zero chance this is the last outrageously stupid thing he does. He’s averaging a watergate+ level scandal every 3.5 days for the last three weeks. I expect the next bomb to drop Monday or Tuesday. And I’m talking totally new.

This dude is getting removed probably. And not because of anything that has even happened yet. To say he’s melting down before our eyes is putting it mildly. This is where normal people would be going to an assisted living facility.

He’s just going to keep doing impossible to defend stuff until the GOP support finally collapses. I have no idea what their pain tolerance is but we are absolutely going to find out. This is going to get worse every week from here out.


This is the tweet thread I was talking about. He may be a lawyer, but his analysis here seems very off from back when this was.

@RiskyFlush you should read this too.

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