The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I don’t think Mittens votes to convict either but .0000001 is non zero.

Meh, I actually do think that Mittens votes to convict. I know he has no spine, but at the same time, it’s Utah, they fucking love him, he’s never getting primaried, so he doesn’t need a spine.

Edit: Like, not that it’s nonzero that he votes to convict, I think it is actually more likely than not.

given murk is 75%ish and Manchin is about 50% I find this unlikely.

I figure half of R’s even in Utah love Trump more than him.

No one loves Trump more than that Stewart guy from Utah. He probably uses the heart eyes emoji whenever he talks about him.

next time i’m having a medical emergency i’ll be sure to check the websites of each of the hospitals nearby before i seek treatment


I don’t like to get out Debbie Downer’e but there’s upside to the way this is playing out. 50%+ people want him removed; him running around and whining about impeachment or bragging about being acquitted is neutral at best. After he is acquitted, 2020 Dems regain some oxygen to discuss their policies, assuming no other slam dunk impeachable crimes are committed, in which case he should be impeached again.

They tried investigating all of Trump’s crimes in public, the dotard regime told them “shall” means “go fuck yourself” and that stalled out quickly. Dems will still continue to investigate whatever they can whenever they can.

It was always going to come down to an about 50-50 election anyway.

AOC ALERT ON MSNBC Chris Hayes in 2 min… :grin::grin::grin:

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Looking at total votes with trump is wrong IMO. Only close votes where their votes mattered is what should be looked at I think. As I see it, there were three close votes where their votes mattered:

  1. Obamacare Repeal;
  2. Tax Cut;
  3. Kavanaugh.

Murk voted no on Obamacare repeal, yes on tax cut, no on Kavanaugh;
Manchin voted no on Obamacare repeal, no on tax cut, yes on Kavanaugh;

Of those three, Kavanaugh was probably the most important, followed by Obamacare repeal, followed by tax cut.

Trump is in possession of some sort of kompromat of unholy strength on Linzey, this is very clear.


Hot fire… :fire::fire::fire:


I agree Mittens votes to convict btw.

Maybe there’s video of him cheering on Alabama vs. Clemson.
( twitter | raw text )

Car insurance!

( twitter | raw text )

I’ve got Manchin voting no on Kavanaugh if Collins had as well.

Radical Left John Edwards who signed a heartbeat abortion ban! Having these guys in power is barely better than a Republican anyway, kind of like Kyrsten Sinema

I took the temperature of a couple of trumpkins at the cigar lounge I belong to. I asked them if it was proven that Trump clearly withheld funds for Ukraine to force an investigation in to Biden would it change their mind and the response was “no, it’s just business.”

Just as an anecdote.