The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

But still quite small

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So it seems.

Basically you’re trying to get me to let the delusional guy run around unchallenged in here. I let him slide for a while, but it’s getting out of hand again.

This seems not that big of a deal to me, because it seems like they’ll just make up their specific suspicion and keep doing what they were already doing. Am I wrong?

This objection could apply to the Fourth Amendment in general.

I’m just asking as a favor to the community but I guess for myself if no one shares this view: PLEASE do not clog up the thread with this back and forth again. I enjoy both of your posts but want to put you both on ignore when it keeps going. If that’s just a me problem and you don’t want to stop, okay, but I really don’t think this is a huge ask.


How about Cuse and Nunnehi put each on ignore???


I know things are bad when I’m finally starting to catch my trumpkin coworker in circular or dumb logic (he’s an expert at insincere debate tactics, dodging and changing the subject). The other day we got into a debate about how Trump has clear and serious conflicts of interest. He tried to downplay them but I pointed out numerous instances where trump has or has attempted to profit from his office. From there, the trumpkin went “all of the senators and congress creatures do it too” to which I replied, “I thought they were the swamp? Trump ran on draining the swamp, not engaging in the same corrupt practices that occur all over washington” to which he could only sputter, and that doesn’t sound like a big deal but I genuinely could see a lightbulb go off in his head and some critical thought finally pierced through for the briefest of moments.

He’s also spoken negatively about Trump several times recently, frequently referring to him as a democrat and how he hasn’t followed through on campaign promises. Which is extremely unusual for him as well.

I know sample size or whatever, and I don’t think removal from office has a shot in hell of ever happening, but I do think public opinion vs. trump is finally shifting.


If more people put nun on ignore maybe the software will do a better job of hiding his crap from my feed.


Cuse is an admin, he can’t be ignored and this problem would have been solved long ago.

How does the ignore feature work here?

Edit: nevermind!

Go to someone’s profile and you will see this


The most barbaric feature of the entire forum is that you can’t permanently put someone on ignore, but I guess that’s a prompt for cooler minds to someday prevail :P

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What about for people whose public profile is hidden?

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( twitter | raw text )

I’ll ignore whoever I want Mr. Catface

I’ve just realized you are probably making a joke :fry:

Just going to assume this number is complete bullshit, with or without the factorial.


No I’m not. Like, I cannot go into nun’s profile to get to the screen you’re talking about. It says public profile hidden when I click on his name.

"A Democratic group unveiled a $3 million advertising campaign Tuesday featuring people who supported President Trump but now regret it, the first wave of a yearlong effort to reclaim some of the voters in the industrial Midwest who helped tip the 2016 election.

The group, American Bridge, will air commercials in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that are first-person testimonials from residents of each state explaining why they backed Mr. Trump in 2016 and why they will not do so again next year. While it’s not uncommon to spotlight voters in political advertising, these commercials feature no narration and are set, documentary-style, in the homes and towns of those on camera"

I apologize, I see what you’re saying now.

WTF. Mods?


One of the ads for everyone else. I have the same bowls as her :upside_down_face:

The commercials are plainly aimed at the white working-class voters who supported former President Barack Obama’s campaigns but shifted to Mr. Trump in 2016. It’s a constituency that is increasingly aligned with Republicans, leading some Democrats to question whether it’s worth the effort needed to win them back. But officials at American Bridge say they need to make only modest inroads with these voters to take back the Midwestern states they lost.