The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Nope you’ve been pretty much 24/7 Team WeGotHim since the Mueller probe started, with goalpost shifts every time your position becomes absurdly untenable.


I’m not even bothering with you anymore. You’re a good poster or something, someone likes you I guess.

He did and he purposefully left the room. Then listened to the tapes and heard all the generals talking a bunch of shit about him lmao. I think it played into how he handled them during the crisis. Dan Carlin has a bit about it in his Destroyer of Worlds podcast which is a good one. Definitely recommend.

Kennedy told literally all the military leaders to fuck off, and almost all of his advisers as well. Pretty amazing. Imagine the fucking stress

Part about the tapes starts at 4:50 ( 4 hours and 50 minutes lol )

Cuban missle crisis stuff in general starts at 4:32


I figured you’d be unable to both admit that Pelosi and eDems were too interested in self-preservation to move on the Mueller report AND that I and others were right in predicting that. Frankly I’m amazed you even admitted it on here about Pelosi, so good job coming to terms with reality in that regard.

cuse. seriously dude.


What? We argued about this for months, he indicated for months he was smarter than us and had this all figured out, he admits that his take on Mueller and Pelosi was wrong but won’t admit that it was his take, and I’m supposed to give him a pass on that?

And now he’s got a new pie in the sky theory about how Trump’s totally toast and Pence better be ready to go down as well? And of course he’s smarter than us on that as well, but I should totally give him a pass on holding his feet to the fire after the last go-around?



Cuse, coming in to spike the football the day before public impeachment hearings begin. kool

Today was the day you admitted Nancy was never going to move on the Mueller report cause she was too concerned with self-preservation, which was like my exact take for months.

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Think of it like the Kardashians. Can you tell me the finer details of the family politics in the Kardashian family? Of course not, and it would be silly to pay that much attention. Sure there is a small group of people who obsess over this stuff, but that’s not how most people feel about politics.

Okay but counter, and I realize there has not been an actual impeachment vote, IIRC Nixon’s impeachment got something like ten Republicans in the House to vote against him, whereas so far, the vote for the impeachment inquiry went along party lines.

But I am all in with you on hoping (believing?) the public impeachment hearings will have a dramatic effect.

Why even try after Christina Hendricks retired?


It’s just thread aids. Nobody is confused about what is going on here. If your mission is to give nunnehi a thorough talking to, try PM? I don’t want the next 50 posts to be this bullshit.



Take it to PM, guys. Please.

It is, by definition, a political process. Who cares what the GOP claims? It is political and they will only remove him when the polls show his approval drop too low, which isn’t happening because he is a cult leader. Our only hope is that the 2020 elections are somehow fair enough for him to lose.

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No thanks. If you think his posts are long, you should see his PMs. Last time we took it to PM I’m pretty sure he hit the character limit twice in one response.

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What they do is say it’s a criminal process, where’s his due process (when the House can do whatever the f they want, as it’s a political process)? When they go to that, the GOP says it’s a political process why are you doing criminal? They switch back and forth every chance they get when the narrative goes against them. Like I hear about law professors, when the law is against you you pound the facts, when the facts are against you you pound the law, when both are against you you pound the table.

Bill Taylor published an op-ed in a Ukrainian paper this week.

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It’s kind of crazy that you direct your ire towards cuse in this situation.



I’ll read that shortly, but it should probably be cross posted in impeachment.

Not at all, I don’t care who is to blame, it’s simply that I have a vastly higher chance of getting cuse to just let it go.