The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

What level of delusion do you have to live in when you think it is the GOP that is losing in any way shape or form right now or that their BS isn’t “landing”. They hold power at almost every level of government and are enacting all of their favorite policies like tax cuts, caging kids and banning Muslims from entering the country. They have packed the courts with lifetime appointees that will basically guarantee this country won’t recover from this in our lifetimes.

What’s happening right now is finally getting an out in the first inning of a baseball game you are down 20-0 and thinking you are about to win. If we even have it that good


Some people paid more than $1. There were some pretty significant repairs needed. But, considering, it sounds pretty awesome.


Disapprove of that post. Don’t ruin my Popeye’s chicken sandwich!


Cat is fine grabbing it’s owner by the pussy but doesn’t appreciate when the favor is returned.


Agreed. A huge percentage of the population is totally apathetic about national politics and hate all of congress equally. They receive only minor pieces of information and they never follow up.

We will see what happens with the open hearings but tv in the 60s guaranteed an almost universal audience. These days if it will draw 1% of the people live it would be significant.

People having three channels and channel surfing and forced to watch something of import is miles away from having hundreds of channels, 200 hours of Dvr programs and 5 streaming services to occupy your viewing.

That being said it could still have an impact but how big is unknown. Given all the options I am highly skeptical that almost any uninvolved citizens will stick with the open hearings when they can go watch their favorite anime for the 75th time.

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This is exactly right and often forgotten.

You realize there’s actually nothing happening right now, right? We just came off a holiday, and everything ended last week for closed door depositions. All that happened yesterday were the releases of testimony of corroborators to what was going on that were in the ‘b’ tier informational bureaucracy type people. What I’m telling you as that most people don’t get their news from Apple News, which is notorious for trending a lot of stuff it shouldn’t similar to facebook. All of the right wing narratives being spun and that have been spun for nearly two months are falling flat. Compare this to what happened after Mueller testified when impeachment coverage disappeared from WaPo, NYT, and CNN. This is not remotely similar.

I’m telling you that trending, which is probably way more consumed than Apple News, has impeachment every single day as one of the top 5 trending stories. As I said above, no one has testified for about a week, yesterday was a holiday, and tomorrow is when things really start. Today is the last day for probably at least a month (outside of holidays and when impeachment hearings aren’t going on) that impeachment will not be the top trending story on every news site (all three major networks are pre-empting programming to cover this). Here are the top 20 trending stories right now on, and impeachment is not one of them (every Sunday it’s the top trending or third top trending, and you can probably guess why):

  • Supreme Court DACA case
  • Arctic blast
  • Stephen Miller emails
  • Disney+ launches
  • Jimmy Carter update
  • Sandy Hook ruling
  • College paper apologizes
  • Trump org. Scottish fine
  • Bucs cut Hargreaves
  • Trump economy speech
  • Globes host named
  • Gates testifies on wikileaks
  • ‘MNF’ coin toss
  • ‘MNF’ play-by-play criticized
  • ‘DWTS’: Spicer out
  • Kanye, Osteen team up
  • Dean Foods bankruptcy
  • Serratos in ‘Selena’
  • Trump official inflated resume
  • Waiter sued for spill
  • Sanford exits race
  • No more travel-sized toiletries?

Washington Post has impeachment front and center, and you would not have found a single article related to impeachment on there two months ago. New York Times has impeachment down a little bit, which is typical, but you would have found nothing on their site about it two months ago. All of the top stories on CNN are about impeachment or tangentially related to it. The top two news stories on Yahoo are impeachment related. There are lots of polls out about impeachment right now. You want some data from those? I got that too:

YouGov (Nov 9-11):

Do you approve or disapprove of Congressional Democrats starting an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump?

Overall: 53% Yes, 47% No
Dems: 85% Yes, 15% No
GOP: 17% Yes, 83% No
Independents: 47% Yes, 53% No

Morning Consult (Nov 1-3):

As you may know, the Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach the president. Once a president is impeached by the House of Representatives, the Senate has the sole power to legally try the president and, if convicted, remove the president from office. Would you support or oppose each of the following? The Senate removing President Trump from office. Strongly support, Somewhat support, Somewhat oppose, Strongly oppose

Overall: 47% Yes, 43% No
Dems: 80% Yes, 11% No
GOP: 12% Yes, 83% No
Independents: 44% Yes, 38% No

Morning Consult (Nov 1-3):

Do you support or oppose the current impeachment inquiry into President Trump?

Overall: 49% Yes, 43% No
Dems: 81% Yes, 12% No
GOP: 13% Yes, 82% No
Independents: 48% Yes, 38% No

Global Strategy Group (Nov 1-5):

Do you support or oppose Congress impeaching President Trump?

Overall: 52% Yes, 41% No
Dems: 84% Yes, 10% No
GOP: 14% Yes, 81% No
Independents: 51% Yes, 31% No

Monmouth University (Oct 30-Nov 3):

Do you think it is a good idea or bad idea for the House of Representatives to conduct an impeachment inquiry into President Trump that may or may not lead to impeachment?

Overall: 51% Yes, 44% No
Dems: 85% Yes, 10% No
GOP: 10% Yes, 85% No
Independents: 54% Yes, 41% No

Here’s the only outlier, and it’s related to impeach/remove from Monmouth (Oct 30-Nov 3):

Do you think President Trump should be impeached and compelled to leave the presidency, or not?

Overall: 44% Yes, 51% No
GOP: 8% Yes, 92% No
Dems: 85% Yes, 12% No
Independents: 42% Yes, 51% No

Here’s a little bit of history for you about where Nixon stood later than this point from The New Republic:

When Gallup first started tracking opinion on impeachment shortly after the televised Watergate hearings began in June of 1973, only 19 percent of respondents believed the president should be removed from office; by August of the following year, when Nixon announced his resignation, that number had jumped to nearly 60 percent.

Nixon is irrelevant today.

You’re irrelevant today.


I told you forever that Pelosi and the eDems were too concerned with self-preservation to do anything with it, you admit it now and I mention that I told you all along and your response is this?

LOL nunnehi.

Yep… and what if a bunch of us told you all along it would be that way, nunnehi, and you still were in denial only to roll onto the next one all excited about how we finally got him?


What matters is where Trump stands once the public hearings begin. They have to move the needle significantly or he’s not getting convicted or resigning. Public opinion needs to be at least 65-35 in favor of removal for him to get convicted. Even then it’d probably be about 70-30 in support of Trump in the GOP, which is scary for these senators in their primaries.


Mick Mulvaney is reportedly telling associates Trump can’t fire him because he ‘knows too much’

I genuinely want to see Mulvaney in a cage.


Gotta love the I Stand With Trump snowflake wrapping paper.


They couldn’t get a better hand model? Maybe they’re trying to appeal to octogenarians who bite their nails and had their little finger amputated to relieve the pain of rheumatoid arthritis?

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Oh cool, we’re into making up numbers now huh?


You sure do love to misrepresent people’s positions on just about everything, don’t you?