The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

It’s a weird feature. You also can’t PM someone if they have a hidden profile.

Nun is like the weird spreadsheet guy in your team.

He’s awesome in his lane, but you don’t ask him to organise the Christmas party. It’s just gonna be a car crash.

We all know that he does this weird thing where he is the “wegothim.gif” in human form. Don’t engage him on it, it never ends well.

He does enough great posting here that we should just let him be him.


nunnehi is a good poster and I like him

( twitter | raw text )

It’s actually not complete bullshit, but to put it another way:

USCIS Report Shows that DACA Arrest Rate Is Below that of Other U.S. Residents

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It’s a figure relating to DACA requests, not those who have received protection. For those who have received protection the figure is 8k.

Buried in the smallprint of the latest USCIS report is this gem:

Since 2012, about one percent of approved DACA requestors have an arrest in any given year. An arrest indicates the individual was arrested or apprehended only and does not mean the individual was convicted of a crime. Further, individuals may not have been charged with a crime resulting from the arrest, may have had their charges reduced or dismissed entirely, or may have been acquitted of any charges.

Of the arrests for DACA applicants, over 20k were for none DUI driving offences and a further 11k were immigration related.

In other words the President is being just as honest as you would expect.


LOL, I completely missed this. The tweet is 100% certified bullshit then. #SHOCKER

Just in case you’re wondering where they’re going to try to make you look next:

No idea if this is true, but that’s less than 10% of the DACA recipients and about a third of Americans in general have a criminal record.

But, anyway, whatever, fuck him and anyone else who thinks they have more right to be here than any of the dreamers or their parents or their cousins or anyone else.

I was able to ignore a poster without a public profile for up to four months, which seems weird but better than nothing

Grunching a bit but here we are with people telling nun how his takes are disconnected from reality, him lashing out and then it devolving into what it always does. It happens like once a week or more and it’s literally only this one poster who causes this with half the forum. I’ve never seen anyone else cause or instigate this kind of stuff with any regularity.

And ya, his profile is hidden so we can’t ignore or PM him. Not to mention while he is posting like 30 percent of the posts in every thread are his so it isn’t that possible to just ignore it. Constantly disruptive posters should be contained. It’s what I originally called him out on at the old forum for and it hasn’t gotten a shred better since he has came back from his hiatus (ie only posted on his PabloHoney account for a while).

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How? I don’t see the option. Do we get fewer ignores than likes? Maybe I used all of mine up.

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He never posted again after he was called out for being a nun gimmick/surrogate account while nun had “quit” the forum like a child.

If someone is speculating I’m pablohoney they need to stop. I’m not that poster, and I have no gimmicks.

That is correct.

Maybe it was just a coincidence then. Happened about the same time other posters said you were sending them pms to post stuff for you. Maybe that’s all it was.


I guess Dobbs was spreading his racist aids on tonight’s broadcast

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Narrator: it was


Very possible he wasn’t a gimmick but just a surrogate account while nun was gone. I have no proof besides after he got called out for that he stopped posting. And again other posters were posting about nun pm’ing them while he was “gone” to surrogate for him.

This is like the one good joke in an otherwise boring romance that makes you think okay Hallmark, I’ll finish watching your so-called made-for-tv movie