The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

You’ve got to lay of the CP man. Stop punishing yourself. They’ll never get it.



If it ain’t a sharpie, I don’t believe it

It’s not about getting it it’s about a level of hypocrisy that just blows my mind. Like they literally DO NOT CARE that Trump is enriching himself while on the job. They also DO NOT CARE that he abandoned the Kurds. Suck it libtards and racism are the only two things they care about. Which we know. But holy cow they’re not even trying to pretend to engage anymore or even resort to lazy whataboutism or anything. It seems to be a new phase of the populist transformation.


Russia isn’t a member of the G7.

Given Katzmann’s background, I can’t expect he’ll look at all favorably toward Trump here. It just seems like he disagrees with all of Trump’s policy decisions.

He’s made efforts to foster effective pro bono representation of poor immigrants, and in a 2012 case, he upheld a ruling for a a suit by a detainee awaiting trial who alleged he’d been forced into work conditions akin to slavery. Though not written by him, the stated position of the three-judge panel was, “The Amendment was intended to prohibit all forms of involuntary labor, not solely to abolish chattel slavery.”

Does anyone have any insight into what we can expect from Katzmann?

Going to put this on in the background for the next hour.

Cool, just don’t slow down to investigate that too. If you stop and do more hearings every time there’s a new impeachable offense, we’ll never get to the actual impeachment.

But, that’s what a lot of eDems want.
( twitter | raw text )

I don’t know… not all impeachable offenses are created equal. Doesn’t seem like they need to slow down for this one, it’s so obvious.

Let’s call it a drive-by impeachment.

Edit: I missed the “don’t” in your post. I feel like Trump standing in front of a teleprompter


Sorry Bruce took over.

Sentiment stands tho.

It’s pretty incredible how I feel instant disdain when I see a crowd of Trump supporters. It’s a weird feeling for me because I’ve never felt that way towards an entire group of people before. Neo-nazis types aside, it’s not in my nature to hate people for no reason, yet here we are.

Just another reason I loathe this timeline we’re in.


There’s a fallacy there, you’re doing fine

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yeah if you were afraid of geese i wouldn’t think you’re crazy for being afraid of ducks too

I guess being a neo-nazi is reason enough, but you get my point. Trump has made my hate of strangers volume skyrocket.

It helps when the former head of US Cyber is a Russian agent.

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Umm…yes he does, Lisa.

The question is: What are you going to do about it?