The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

And speaking of, I haven’t seen anything about what the Democrats are planning to do about gerrymandering in 2020. They control the House.


Sorry Lulvaney. The toothpaste is already out of the tube dumbass.


Drawing districts is up to the states. Even if a new Voting Rights Act could change that (no idea of that is constitunionally possible), that would also hav to pass the Senate.

Lol so this. He was even a dick about it too. “Of course we held the funds for dirt on Biden, you dumbasses. That’s what we do.”

Complete fucking morons in this administration, which really is an extremely lucky thing for all of us.


Doral sounds like a swell place


Perry resigning. Seems completely normal and not at all rats fleeing a sinking ship

The 2020 election decides gets to use the information. That’s part of why it’s so important.

He was going to resign about 2 weeks ago. He said he’d testify to anything anyone wanted. Then, the next day, he said, ‘nah, I’m not resigning’. Then Trump threw him under the bus a couple of days later as the first attempt at a scapegoat. Just yesterday, it appears he was trying to say that he is legit, doing legit things for DOE like trying to get a bunch of American board members on a Ukraine national gas company and setting up nice revenue streams (he didn’t say that, but it’s what happened). He basically says everything he did in Ukraine is on the up and up (lol). A few hours after a story comes out that is essentially a puff piece ‘defending’ him in WSJ, he resigns. Oh wait, it was the Mulvaney thing that caused him to resign, because he was an integral part of the stuff going on under Mulvaney (lolPerry). He should have gone with his first instinct a few weeks back.

This is great. Trump’s brazenness can be an asset to the average idiot… “he is just blurting it out in the open like he did nothing wrong… so maybe he did nothing wrong…? Dunno, sounds complicated…”

Mulvaney backtracking shows consciousness of guilt which any idiot can understand…they may not care, but they will get it.

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I think Mulvaney’s later reaction was, ‘wait, you’re saying this stuff actually matters? F***K!’.

Don’t know how to quote twitter here but Avenatti just sent out something to the effect:

Jack Nicholson just issued a statement that he did NOT order the code red.


I honestly think Mulvany said fuck it I Ain’t going down with this ship and when given the stage today he let it out the bag, hoping Nancy & Co don’t go ahead and press charges.

How can It not be a Hail Mary to save himself from jail time, they aren’t this stupid, are they? Hmm. Fuck. Hmm. Fuck.


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Cliffs: he still votes trump?


I went and looked at the Chiefsplanet thread about Doral/G7 and now I’m in a depressed rage. I don’t understand how these guys look their loved ones in the eye.


But I mean he is going down with the ship. Dude’s toast. His strategery is even worse than I thought if that was what he was thinking.

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