The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Rick Perry has officially resigned.

Send him to his congressional exit interview.

This is the impression I get. He assumes his base doesn’t know the word because he didn’t know the word before someone gave him the definition.

“Sir, Mr. President sir, just keep repeating that Schiff fabricated–”
“What does that mean?”
“Sir, Mr. President sir, ‘repeat’ means to say something aga–”
“No, not ‘repeat’, I know what that means. Do I look like some sort of idiot?”
“Sir, Mr. President sir, no–”
“Just tell me what fabricate means!”

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If anyone was stupid enough to loan against Doral, the loan is almost certainly in default. You can’t withstand a 60% drop in NOI, that violates loan covenants.


Earlier this year:

Mr Trump consistently attacked Mr Cummings online, calling the congressman a “racist” then describing his majority-black district as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” in which “no human being” would wish to live.

Which leads into:

And now Trump said:

I got to see first hand the strength, passion and wisdom of this highly respected political leader.

His work and voice on so many fronts will be very hard, if not impossible, to replace!

They really reached the bottom of the stooge barrel with Mulvaney.

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I posted an article this morning that was clearly him trying to say he didn’t have anything to do with it other than all he had to do with it, I was legit man legit, well, please believe me anyway. Three amigos can be the name of their prison gang for all I care.

In normal times the doral thing would be a massive scandal turned up to 11. But now it is “what can we do?”

Not only did Trump not write the last one (LDO) but he never read it either.

What happened was everyone was fleeing the barrel, and he was the last guy standing with his arms out waiting for a hug from Trump as long as Ukraine investigated Biden/Biden’s son.

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The answer to that question rhymes with imsqueech.

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It wasn’t even the biggest scandal in that press briefing.


Yeah, the bigger story and bigger scandal is not Trump’s behavior, it’s the behavior of all the people enabling it.


All this behavior was there during the Mueller probe, but people just didn’t do what he wanted, even people he thought were lackeys. Once Kelly left, it was the wild west there, and everyone left is a sycophant. I don’t think there’s anyone left in the ‘Trump people’ administration who will say to no to him about anything. The entire administration is a national security threat.


The whole coverage of this Syria deal annoys me

How hard is “Trump declares support for Turkish invasion and Ethnic cleansing in exchange for cease fire”


Good time for our annual reminder that mulvaney wouldn’t exist without gerrymandering. They busted up a dem stronghold in South Carolina and made a district a monkey could win running as GOP. Mulvaney fell off a turnip truck and ended up in Congress.


I am totally reminded of that scene with the school bus in Dirty Harry with this clown show. Rudy’s driving and Mulvaney’s the serial killer. Destination: cliff