The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Reminder that Ivanka isn’t better than the rest of them.

I’m not saying they won’t fill an SC seat (but here’s hoping), but they’re not going to allow the confirmation of 36 year old federal judges whose only judicial/courtroom experience is watching Law & Order.

Just a Reminder:

  1. The phone call where it was discovered aid was being withheld from Ukraine was a routine NSC video conference call on July 18. First, an OMB staffer says, ‘there was a hold on security assistance to Ukraine but could not say why’. Toward the end of the routine phone call, an off screen OMB staffer said 'her boss had instructed her not to approve any additional spending of security assistance for Ukraine until further notice’. This ‘astonishes’ people on the call. That order went from Trump to Mulvaney to OMB.
  2. The July 25 Ukraine phone call was a routine phone call, and had no access restrictions. Vindman would not have been on that phone call under tighter restrictions. Sondland had placed very tight restrictions on a previous phone call on June 28 that Taylor discussed in his written statement. Sondland told Taylor he should not include ‘most of the regular interagency participants’ (Sondland, Perry, Volker, and Taylor were on this call). Sondland also said he wanted no monitoring or transcription of that call.
  3. None of this would be happening if the acting DNI had just turned over the WB complaint and ICIG letter to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees as required by law within 7 days of receiving it.

The best people.

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I love how the republicans continue to only attack the process and not the facts.

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Lol. 99 out of 100 women who loved their husband would cry if they were seriously wounded by a gun.

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Hilariously Trump is telling them to stop doing that. So far the closest thing I’ve seen is one of them bleating that Trump and Zelensky both said there was no quid pro quo so that settles it.

Ann Coulter self owning is amazing

Mainlining these

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Someone needs to set up an A-Team type of sting where Hannibal asks the questions about foreign interference while Face flirts with an intern to distract and Murdoch and BA mess with the elevator so it never arrives on the floor that the congressperson is trying to escape.


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Get ready for… REDACTIONS!

So nunnehi is the whistleblower and Trolly is Ann Coulter? Simplicitus must be George Conway then.


Is the GOP red baiting yet?

:heart: :heart: :purple_heart:

The roastings will continue until tweets improve


Has anyone ever seen Coulter and Trolly in same room?:stuck_out_tongue:


I’m sorry, but I feel it is my duty to dox Trolly.

edit: Damnit, ponied again. Serves me right for working and not following thread.


Looks like simpliticus isn’t George Conway. He’s Dominic.


I thought that congresswoman video was going to end with her throwing herself down the Capital stairs so she could blame her injuries on overzealous fake news media harassment, casting herself as a modern-day Princess Di and thereby winning the news cycle.

Plus, if you’re in a coma you don’t have to answer the tough questions.

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