The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I mean, they could have given him the power Nixon or Clinton had. Letting him/his defense ask questions in the House is just going to let them spin a bullshit narrative with a bunch of Qanon type questions. You could have withheld that and still had the talking point that you gave him more power than the GOP gave Clinton, and as much as Nixon had.

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No. Moscow Mitch didn’t hold votes because Moscow Mitch didn’t want to hold votes. Moscow Mitch likes not holding votes. Moscow Mitch is there to approve judges and only to approve judges.


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How is this a real human being? How can he think wives wouldn’t cry if their husband was shot?

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I get it. Maybe I’m delusional. I just like to imagine there’s SOME rational discussion happening behind the scenes, even if we all know it’s in bad faith. But there was that clip of a rep saying there is now zero conversation between the two sides. When he brings up impeachment, Repubs change the subject or just walk away. So maybe that’s how it’s been about everything.

MAGA haberman AMA on reddit :roll_eyes:

I will allow this pony. They were shot five times on an airstrip and deserve some leniency.

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Republicans and the 2 dems are derelict in their constitutional duty; this vote is just to do an inquiry, not actually conviction. The people voting no are saying he should not be investigated and should be above the law

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The top questions are all surprisingly good from Reddit. They have not yet answered any of them, despite advertising a 12 pm EST start time.

Edit: nvm they have been answering questions, just none that are in any way critical of their work. Of course.

Woke twitter tells me we can’t primary him because he reps a Trump +30 district

Yeah, Trump is not just the thing where a lot of CEOs and whatnot are on the sociopath spectrum. He’s full-blown clinical they would have diagnosed him in prison if he hadn’t been coddled and protected all his life.

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I’m ever so slightly more annoyed that not one Republican defected (Amash doesn’t count) than I am that two Democrats voted no, but w/e 232-196 is a big win.

Your slow pony was a slow pony

I was thinking that. Removal is pretty much impossible. Things aren’t going to change.

You slow pony with the slow pony


I’m going back to 2006, the dems won back the House and Senate based on being against Iraq and against Republican scandals:

They should just take the L on removal in the senate and run against them being utterly corrupt, may win back the Senate, and that would be a silver lining in case they lose the Presidency, no more dotard judges.

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That’s fine. Only right wing loons that are never leaving Trump’s side will view Qanon type questions as legit. Take someone like Nunes for example. We all know he’s a lunatic. But I doubt many conservatives/independents know he’s suing a cow on Twitter. Letting these crazies out themselves in public hearings under oath is a good thing.

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Not sure the “no more dotard judges” follows. Enough Dems will want to restore the norm of bipartisan cooperation.