The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

They both can get fucked.

What’s the difference between Peterson and a Republican? (People say this a lot with people like Manchin and Doug Jones, but in his case it’s actually ~100% true)

And Van Drew is from a district that went for Trump by only 5 points in 2016. I don’t know WTF he is doing.

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Not only that, they’re trying to play 3D chess by giving them all of that so they can brag about the openness of the process… But Trump is just going to go nuts with “WITCH HUNT FAKE IMPEACHMENT TOTAL SCAM DO NOTHING DEMS!!!” regardless of what they say/do. Then he’s going to use the tools they give him as political sledgehammers in any/every way possible.

Well played, eDems. Well played. You jackasses.

What are the chances they actually turn over everything? 25%?

So what the fuck is he with Democrats on? Why aren’t we primarying him? The whole he’s better than his replacement thing kind of goes out the window when it goes out the window on every single issue. I guess he’s with them on Speaker votes?

Tulsi’s a senator, not a house rep.

In NJ too. That seems unwise LOL. I get South Jersey is more deplorable than North Jersey but still.

I think it’s a good strategy. If Trump wants to face his accusers, he can. Let him dig his own grave. No need to limit what the GOP can do.

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We’ll get to the airmen in just a minute.

Also haha, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.”

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He’s with them on being civil to Republicans and caving to their bad-faith demands.

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Um, no, she’s in the House.

Whoops, yeah what was I thinking. Sort of remarkable that she’s voting in line with the rest of the Dems?

The state department turning over the Ukraine documents by November 22 is just their same BS tactic they did with the “transcript.” Selectively release information that largely just corroborates what has already been established. Wait until Friday before holiday week where it will hardly play on news cycles at all. Pretend the info is fully exonerating, play the transparency, victimhood, and persecution cards over the fact it had to be released at all, and control the narrative by leveraging the media’s breathless buildup to the documents’ release, when they turn out to be a nothingburger.

It’s really on us/the media for falling for it over and over again.


I don’t feel her enthusiasm for some reason.

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Remember when everyone was tripping over themselves in 2016 to point out how Ivanka was the smart reasonable one and that she’d be a moderating influence on her dad?


It’s political calculus, voting against would her hurt her aspirations long term.

The 2024 Ivanka vs jr. succession crisis is going to be fun to watch, although I don’t know if there will be wifi in my penal colony.


her and little jared are definitely a matrilineal marriage.

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Speaking of Ivanka

The first reply:

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All he’s done is guarantee himself a tough primary challenge, while convincing exactly no Republicans to vote for him.

I can promise you that my Trump supporting in-laws from that district who were here last weekend aren’t going to look at that vote and say “Wow! What a fair-minded individual. I’ll be voting for him next year!”. They’re just going to vote for the R like they always do.

Sorry boogie, the quote feature formatted these quotes like you said them instead of tRump.

You would think that, wouldn’t you?

Reads like it was written by a Collider hack (sorry Collider <3 <3 <3 but it’s true)

Just me speculating, but I wonder if this is part of why Dems slow rolled impeachment. It’s tough if the Senate says, “We will vote on these bills or you can conduct your impeachment inquiry. You choose.”