The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Dude he is not getting removed by the Senate. Not that long ago you were saying we should do other people first… that shows out of touch with reality you are.

You know what? I stopped ignoring your posts for like 24 hours and I’m already responding to how much your honestly completely cracked lense is. Back to the ignore list you go.

Seriously the only possible angle where Donald is no longer the president before January 2021 is where public support so collapses that the GOP Senators have enough cover to vote to convict. That’s very unlikely, and if we voted to impeach tomorrow morning at 9am there would be no more cards to draw to hit our outs.

You think our hand is good enough now, and I’m here to tell you that it’s good enough to make the GOP Senators take an ugly vote, but it’s not anywhere near good enough to not have him make it to inauguration day.


I’ll miss you.

Tough crowd tonight


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Set the stage for an October Surprise by the Deep State leaking something to harm Trump. Will a true patriot step up?

They’re both photoshopped. Real version below.



Lol the deep state is testifying every day now in Congress. You’re asking for something that has already happened.

And just to be clear if the Deep State was a real thing Trump would have died of a ‘heart attack’ already. Probably right after his first conversation with Putin after being elected. It doesn’t exist and it never did. It’s just a bunch of random civil servants hoping to make it to their retirement date so they can cash in that sweet sweet pension.

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This is beyond satire. Some people want to resurrect Mozart to see what he would think of today’s music, I want to resurrect Jonathan Swift to see what he makes of this shit.


Imagine Jonathan Swift on twitter.


Either that guy or his father is not the dumbest person in the world named “Donald Trump”. This messes with my head sometimes.


Lmao has the public really got more power than Congress? Under fioa in America? :wink:

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So wait. You’re making nun specific photoshops upon his request, he’s complaining they’re not good enough, you’re tweaking them to better suit his specifications, and he’s not even hearting your posts? Lol nun, make your own goddamn photoshops.



Seriously. Every day, we’re all Jeff Goldblum simply pointing out that there is a big stinking pile of turds in the middle of the room, and then we get this.

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He’s saving them for a rainy day.


Exactly man, sometimes its just time to do the right thing run an anti-corruption candidate and put the other guys dirty laundry out. This president is trash.

That may or may not be true. Trump and Republicans have been beating the Democrats-are-subverting-democracy drum since before Trump even took office. The notion that their claims are going to become more credible just because impeachment proceedings are going on close to an election is not that plausible.

One thing we know is true is that news cycles move blindingly fast. If the Dems impeach too soon, the Senate can vote, be done with it, Republicans can claim victory and then either blast the narrative that Trump has been absolved of all wrongdoing until the election, or just let it die and be forgotten.