The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I don’t get this attitude. Drawing out the process seems like the far better option considering the Senate definitely will not convict right now, and the only possibility, slim as it may be, for them to actually convict Trump is if his approval ratings plummet. I haven’t been following the polls closely, but it seems like this process is getting people’s attention and he is taking a hit. Plus, it’s forcing him to do even more crazy shit in response, which only hurts him. I think it’s clear the best play is a slow, methodical process.


Drawing it out is obviously way better strategically but way less satisfying emotionally, today.


I know time is warped in the trump era but it’s been less than a month since impeachment started. How fast do people think I could be???


Feel like the public is tuning out and the impeachment is losing momentum. Dems need to bring their case to the public ASAP imo.


He’s committed like 3 different impeachable offenses and should have been impeached over a year ago. Just take the stupid case to the senate, make the republicans vote against it, then run for the next 12 months about how all of the slimeballs who claimed they were against corruption are anti-american, anti-justice and anti-truth.

Their record sucks. As long as the Ds don’t run Biden against him its the easiest election on earth. The closer you let this thing get to the election time the more likely that they get whamboozled like they did last election with the FBI investigation and after the Mueller testimony. Team D sucks at controlling the narrative because half of their politicians are pay to lose corporatists. The longer this drags out the more control the establishment has and that is not what is needed.


Rare disagreement. Dragging this out into the 2020 election is a no brainer politically, and he’s not getting removed. More importantly, the investigations are going to yield WAY more laughably corrupt behavior that will be plastered in the headlines indefinitely, provoking even more unhinged Trump behavior.


But his credentials cherry-picked adornments are so impressive.

I plan on recording an interview with my brother tomorrow night, just before we go trick-or-treating. He’ll be wearing a stethoscope, costumed as a doctor. We’ll fabricate some persuasive title and support it with bogus accreditation. 24 hours after upload @utube, it’ll be official canon of conspiretard.

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OMG I had no idea that was the origin of his bizarre quote.

Mr. Trump has spoken of the dog, whose name Newsweek reported is Conan, in glowing terms in the days since the raid, which culminated with Mr. al-Baghdadi detonating a suicide bomb, killing himself and several children and injuring the dog.

“Our ‘K-9,’ as they call it, I call it a dog,” Mr. Trump said on Sunday. “A beautiful dog — a talented dog — was injured and brought back.”

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I for one am SHOCKED Keed is defending Trump

( twitter | raw text )

It shouldn’t be treated as a high crime or anything, and the ‘what if Obama did it’ game is tedious, but if Obama did it it would be treated as a high crime.


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Not by me. By Fox News idiots? Sure, maybe. But if Obama retweeted that picture you would all think it was funny. Because it’s funny.

  1. If Obama did it
  2. Chef’s kiss

lol, just put an ugly smirk Trump head on the guy. No need to go meta.

I think if impeachment happens quickly, the senate can more confidently vote not to convict. I think the closer it gets to the election the more complicated it becomes.

Public hearings starting in a couple weeks.

The closer it gets to the election the harder it becomes. The closer to an election the more credible the claim is that democracy is being subverted. Any time after the convention and it’s a total no go.

No, this is objectively wrong. The idea I’m working on is that we are in a clear and present danger moment. If they don’t act quickly, they’re okay with this because things are obviously not being stopped before they get out of hand (see Syria). This needs to be happening ASAP, and there is a lot of blood on the Dems hands for not doing something sooner.

If you don’t think Trump is a clear and present danger, then sure run it up as long as you want. I think he is. He just completely ceded a major portion of the middle east to Russia/Turkey. He’s been trying to cede Ukraine to Russia. Putin is counting on a low appetite for war, and he’s marching right now. The longer Trump’s in, the harder it will be to make/keep a detente. Trump is an incredible threat to national security both here and for the rest of security around the world. Based on just what has happened in the last 30 days, you for sure don’t want this running up to the election.