The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

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nunnehi won’t need a dose of viagra for at least a week

Is Ryan aware that candidates are still allowed to tweet?


Seems like the thing, for better and for worse, is that it’s relatively cheap to advertise and easy to target on FB - dunno about twitter. That kind of thing works for people like AOC just as it works for Russian bots or w/e.

As I noted in the Epstein thread, he’s also 1) a notorious camera hog 2) was involved in several public cases that went…questionably - he was a witness for OJ explaining why he was innocent, and did the same for Phil Spector.

So YMMV, I suppose.




That’s actually pretty gross?

Not as bad as Obama’s latte salute, goes without saying.


I don’t care. I have been sick of Biden, Harris, Schiff and others filling up my Twitter with ads to raise money, all centered around impeachment.

I didn’t see any ads for any grassroots efforts.

So whatevs. And the issue is not being able to properly administer ads when 90% of them are lies. You can still use twitter to interact and build communities. I think it is massively overblown to say this has a bigger impact on smaller organizing.

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Super gross

I must be losing my mind because I did not question whether this was a real photograph or not.


yeah kinda I guess. Though Obama did also wear a tan suit one time.

But the dog has a cute little paw on his medal! Surely that makes it ok.

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My current thoughts on impeachment

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Hey if deplorables can throw a fit about Obama saluting with a latte, then I can be outraged about this

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Guys. Don’t take the bait

When trump wants to control the narrative. He posts something outrageous on a topic he wants us to focus on

Whether this is thought out carefully or instinctive, it doesn’t matter.

Lynching comment. Talk about the process not the facts.

This dog picture. Stop talking about ukraine. Talk about Al-Bagdadi

We all got to learn to ignore it.

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The medal of honor winner said he thought that the dog photoshop was funny (it was)

Impeachment resolution passes rules committee


Use this and no caption is necessary. Facial expression can be his smarmy smirk if you want.