The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Team Trump Admits Holding Back Billions For Puerto Rico Disaster Recovery

Trump administration officials have admitted that last summer they knowingly withheld billions of dollars Congress appropriated to help Puerto Rico recover from Hurricane Maria. House Democrats say withholding the relief money violates the law.

Federal law requires that our government help Americans hit by natural disasters. But two Housing and Urban Development officials acknowledged at a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on Oct. 17 that HUD blocked the Puerto Rico relief funds.

The agency published the required guidance in the federal register for 9 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands on Aug. 30, 2019. But HUD intentionally left Puerto Rico out of the notices, the HUD officials admitted.

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Kind of surprised more people aren’t impressed with this - it’s beyond huge. If the donors are backing away, we’re getting near the tipping point, I think. The first goal (hell, the first ten goals) of a politician is getting re-elected - meaning you gotta raise that money. If this continues, I think he’s done.



“Sir, sir, why did you let the coal mining business go bankrupt?”


I am hedging a little bit simply because DeSantis led an overthrow of the executive committee and think that could be a different reason for them staying away.

That being said I agree, feels substantial, especially in Florida.

Don’t even know what that means? I think most all of the booers would own up to it.

“Like all religions, it’s not the people who are bad, it’s the ideology they have been infected with.”

You pick the worst parts too. But alright this is not the thread for it.

great let’s start with all of the lock her up people

No idea what you mean. I pick no parts.

The Do Nothing Democrats are working hard


I meant to post this the other day but I forgot… This reminded me. I was in Myrtle Beach for about a week in May and saw a few MAGA hats or Trump signs/bumper stickers. I was there last week and saw zero.

Small sample size but still can’t be a bad sign.


Yale Law School Prof throwing shade at Too.

many religious people don’t read the bible, he knows nobody on his side is gonna read it or care.

I’m speechless


Which is worse? Pushing the 2 black kids out of the way or being senile and putting candy on top of the head?

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I know it’s a video, but…



Guy at work i like to bug by saying what His president did that day for the first time kind of moved away from him. Boos work?

A lot of people know nothing about politics or even news but are aware of things like sports. Breaking in to another context helps inform low info people about what’s going on and what informed people think.


I didn’t consider that aspect. Good point.